News from EuroCIO

News from EuroCIO

October 4, 2018

EuroCIO Supplier Satisfaction Survey reveals weak points in vendor relationships, and need for more balanced, innovative partnerships.

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The second Supplier Satisfaction Survey has been completed by the European CIO Association (EuroCIO), providing key and valuable insights from more than 100 ‘user’ companies on suppliers’ practices, cloud and on-premise services. The Survey also compares the main vendors in various domains covering services, quality, delivery, customer engagement and license /contract management practices. In addition, EuroCIO has assessed the CIOs views and plans regarding exit strategies.

This is the second release after the first survey in 2016. The results contain a ‘wake-up call’ to vendors, revealing a substantial level of dissatisfaction among CIOs/users with some of the cloud services in particular. This frustration explains the slowdown of cloud adoption across Europe. Another problem area confirmed by the Survey is unhappiness with the inflexible license/contract management practices of the main vendors, such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM and Salesforce.  

Strengthened by these results, EuroCIO continues its long-time call for more balanced and transparent supplier relationships, as well as for innovative partnerships. The Survey results were shared and discussed with the European Commission’s DG Competition on September 17th.  

In addition, EuroCIO is available to speak with vendors individually to discuss and analyse specific results and data, and their own position in the market from the perspective of the CIO members.

This is a news item from the website of EuroCIO.
