Welkom bij het CIO Platform Nederland! - page 48

The CIO Platform Nederland connects and strengthens!

CIO Platform Nederland is the association for the CIO/CDO, their peers and IT professionals of large users of digital technology in the Netherlands, the digital heart of society. Do you want to know why? Check this impression video of our association.  

Ons laatste nieuws

  1. June 29, 2023

    Blog:How a data platform and federated data & analytics model can help you win the Tour de France po

    I like data, I like sports, I like playing games and I generally hate losing. Consequently, this cocktail makes entering the annual Tour de France pool a serious business for me.

    2023-06-29 Blog Dave van den Hurk

Upcoming events

  1. CxO/CISO Theme session: 'So you thought you were already there with cybersecurity?' | Vitens Soestduinen

    March 25, 2025 in Soest

    Every year, the CIO Committee Information Security organises a valuable signature event for CIO/CDOs, CISOs and members of boards of directors/supervisory boards around the topic of cybersecurity. 

More events

Why join the CIO Platform Nederland?

  1. The association is completely independent from suppliers and external parties, this means no sales and acquisition. 
  2. Quick and easy access to a wide and versatile network.
  3. Exchanging practical knowledge and experience and inspiring each other.
  4. Advocacy on behalf of a strong collective towards government and suppliers.
  5. Access to more than 50 events per year for CIOs and internal employees of the member organizations. 
