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What you need to know about the membership

Some points that are associated with the membership are listed below.
  1. Organizations are members of the CIO Platform Nederland. In particular, organizations where the digital transition is complex and has a major impact on the organization itself and the stakeholders. IT suppliers and consultants can not join.
  2. Organizations are represented by a person with the ultimate responsibility for digitization and/or ICT of the organization at the highest level, in many cases this is the CIO or CDO. This is necessary to ensure the desired level of peer consultation and to get the strongest possible pooling of responsibility.
  3. The CIO/CDO enters the membership and can subsequently register all professionals for meetings, so that they can also use the online secure environment 'My CIO'.
  4. In order to promote a degree of comparability of the challenges of our members and thus facilitate the exchange of knowledge, we keep some threshold values ​​to be able to join. The Board ultimately determines whether an organization can become a member.
  5. The organization representative can’t be replaced at some events of the CIO Platform Nederland. At most events it is allowed to send a suitable expert on his/her behalf. This is indicated with the invitation.
  6. Termination of the membership must be submitted no later than one month before the new calendar year by sending an e-mail to or in hard copy by sending a letter to: CIO Platform Nederland, Maanweg 17, 42516 AB Den Haag.

Contribution costs

The annual contribution is determined annually by the members. At the moment it amounts to €7.500, = per organization (excluding VAT). This includes all events that are accessible to all members and the participating employees. Activities are also being developed that not all members can or want to participate in, for which a separate contribution will be charged.
