

CIO Platform Nederland has placed available knowledge in the form of news items, reports, research reports, presentations and other documents in the News & Knowledge Base for members. Log in for full access or register (if you are a member of your organization) at CIO Platform Nederland.

  1. March 26, 2025

    Anniversary vlog III - René Steenvoorden

    The third former chairman providing his reflection on his time as chairman of CIO Platform Nederland in the run up to celebrating our 20th anniversary on the Annual Day on June 5, is René Steenvoorden. He expands on the attraction of the association for CIOs, the key themes he encountered during his time, and what he envisions for the future for CIOPN. Watch(!) and/or read his contribution in the article below.  

    2025-06-05 Blog Vlog Rene van Steenvoorden
  2. March 14, 2025

    From September, European Data Act will bring (some) balance between cloud providers and their busine

    After years of work by the four European sister organisations (CIO Platform Nederland, Beltug, Cigref, Voice), the European Data Act will soon bring concrete benefits for business users of cloud services: it introduces new rules to make it easier to switch cloud providers. Beltug has been at the forefront in recent years and shares the developments on the issue below.

    2025-03-17 Europese Data Act
  3. March 13, 2025

    What's next for AI in Europe? | Keynote speaker Max Welling at CxO Signature event AI, what else?!

    During the upcoming 'signature event' of our Digital Strategy, Innovation & Transformation committee on May 13th at a.s.r. in Utrecht, Prof. Dr. Max Welling will share his insights on 'AI in Europe and what's next' with the community of CIO Platform Nederland. Max is one of the most prominent Dutch scientists in the field of AI and will give the eighth EW Economics lecture later this year.

    2025-05-13 AI What Else
  4. February 27, 2025

    Anniversary blog II - Hennie Wesseling

    In this second anniversary blog in the series, ahead of our Annual Day on June 5 where we celebrate our 20th anniversary, former chairmen look back on their time, experience and the association's development. This second blog features the story and vision of Hennie Wesseling, former CIO of TNTPost, among others, and chairman of the Platform between 2008 and 2010.

    2025-06-05 Blog Hennie Wesseling
  5. February 24, 2025

    Ministry of the Interior: ‘We are increasingly better at setting priorities in the digital domain.’

    Members in the News! In this interview Dutch IT Leaders: Art de Blaauw, CIO of the Government, From the private sector to the public sector, Art took on his new role around the same time as the Schoof cabinet (summer 2024). The sometimes slower-moving wheels of the national government took some getting used to at first, but with a fresh perspective from the outside, De Blaauw also notices that he can get IT projects and processes moving. 

    2025-02-24 Art de Blaauw
  6. February 17, 2025

    CIOPN featured on SBS

    Last weekend, CIO Platform Nederland was featured in an episode of the SBS program ‘Building the Future’

    2025-02-17 CIOPN in beeld bij SBS
  7. February 13, 2025

    ProRail and NS | “For a moving train, we are truly dependent on each other'

    Members in the News! In this interview in ManagementScope. ‘The CIOs of NS and ProRail rely on each other.’ They also work closely together, say Hessel Dikkers (NS) and Arjen Boersma (ProRail). ‘Of course, we could develop IT independently of each other. But one way or another, it all comes together in the end. We know that without data sharing, without cooperation, no train runs. You have to hold on to each other well in this.

    2025-02-13 Hessel Dikkers en Arjen Boersma
  8. January 30, 2025

    Anniversary Blog I | Peter Hagendoorn

    In this first ‘Anniversary Blog’, ahead of our Annual Day on June 5th where we will celebrate our 20th anniversary, former chairmen look back on their time, experience and the association's development. In this first blog, you will read the perspective of Peter Hagedoorn, former CIO and one of the founders of the CIO Platform Nederland.

    2025-06-05 Blog Pieter Hagedoorn
  9. January 9, 2025

    Blog | Kickoff of our 20th anniversary year

    We are at the beginning of 2025, and are looking forward to the coming year with great enthusiasm. A year that is already quickly filling up with interesting meetings and valuable knowledge exchange. As the association for CIOs, CDOs, and IT professionals in the Netherlands, we continue to strive to strengthen and connect the digital heart of our society. Read how in this blog!

    2025-06-05 Shaping tomorrow, building on two decades of knowledge sharing
  10. January 6, 2025

    UWV | The UWV is renovating its systems: no more ‘computer says no’.

    Members in the News! In this interview in the FD with René Steenvoorden (member of the board of directors of the UWV). The UWV is on the brink of the largest digital transformation in its 22-year history. People, not systems, should take precedence at the benefits agency, which is struggling with an image problem following revelations about errors with WIA benefits.

    2025-01-06 Rene Sandijk UWV
  11. January 6, 2025

    KVK | ‘IT is for everyone at KVK’

    Members in the News! In this interview in Dutch IT Leaders, Pieter Halenbeek, CIO of KVK: ‘IT is for everyone at KVK’

    2025-01-06 KVK Pieter-Halenbeek-klein
  12. December 12, 2024

    Blog | CIOPN Vendor Benchmark 2024

    Members of CIO Platform Nederland contribute to the Dutch economy and society in their own way, often in close cooperation with suppliers. At the same time, they operate in a challenging environment and depend on an unpredictable market with unique and fundamental problems that raise questions and concerns.

    2023-07-04 | NB |  CEG Vendor Relations (690 x 435 px)
  13. December 2, 2024

    Video "4 European CIO associations collaborate for clarity and transparency in a fair and open marke

    Beltug, Cigref, VOICE and CIO Platform Nederland - 4 European CIO associations from Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands, have met recently to talk about the manifesto "A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world" they have published for the new European Commission.

    2024-02-12 Manifesto Video YouTube
  14. November 21, 2024

    Ing Yan Ong, CIO of the Year!

    Well done and congratulations to Ing Yan Ong, Global CIO at The HEINEKEN Company for winning the CIO of the YEAR award in 2024 at CIODAY on November 19th! On behalf of CIO Platform Nederland, Ronald Verbeek (amongst others) opened CIODAY. Read a short recap of the day. 

    2024-11-19 CIO Of the Year Ing Yan Ong
  15. November 18, 2024

    Blog: Diversity in IT, the moral compass of a CIO

    In a world where technology advances, equality often lags behind. Read the blog of board member Meryem El-Bouyahyaoui and ask yourself as a CIO: are you using your position to really make a difference?

    2024-11-18 DIveristeit is jezelf een spiegel voorhouden
  16. November 4, 2024

    Wanted: members who want to help improve entry and advancement opportunities for MBO graduates in IC

    Stichting CA-ICT aims to improve the employability of the sector and its employees. This foundation is seeking help in developing career paths for ICT. Interested or do you have questions? Contact Marijke.

    2024-11-07 Tekorten in de ICT