Vendor Relations
Our members decide on which themes we are active. We are working on a balanced relationship between customer and supplier.
Our members decide on which themes we are active. We are working on a balanced relationship between customer and supplier.
Suppliers of digital technologies are crucial partners for our members. This relationship however has some room for improvement. Their technological knowledge provided them with an advantage vis-à-vis the user. Yet, developments in the area of technology and marketisation in the last decennia, and the characteristics that these digital markets appear to contain, have a downside. They cause such behaviour that a re-evaluation is necessary.
To achieve that, we do the following:
In a rapidly changing technology landscape, where cloud demands an ever greater role, it is important to maintain good relations with the supply side. More balance in the rights and obligations of both client and supplier is essential for further development of this relationship.
Members of CIO Platform Nederland contribute to the Dutch economy and society in their own way, often in close cooperation with suppliers. At the same time, they operate in a challenging environment and depend on an unpredictable market with unique and fundamental problems that raise questions and concerns.
Today, CIO Platform Netherlands and its three European sister associations sent a joint letter to the European Commission following possible market-distorting behaviour by Broadcom since its acquisition of VMware.
On October 8th, 2021, CIO Platform Nederland, Beltug, Cigref and Voice issued a joint press release. In it, we call on Microsoft to address the unnecessary environmental damage caused by its commercial policies and to take more responsibility for safe products, so that business users no longer have to pay the huge costs of its unsafe products. Microsoft is not alone in this, but as the market leader it has a particular responsibility.
In close cooperation between CIO Platform Nederland and NLdigital the ‘Guideline for successful cooperation’ has been launched. The guideline provides guidance towards more predictability and transparency in the relationship between providers and users of software. Download the guideline, implement it and make sure to let us know to what extent the guideline is (in)effective in practice.
Vendor managers, Category buyers, Service managers, Contract managers and License specialists participate in this Knowledge Group (CEG) meetings. This CEG shares knowledge and experience on various current topics: major vendors, contracts, licenses, audits, GDPR, DPIAs, exit, Cloud etc.