European Cooperation

European Cooperation

Together we are stronger. Together with sister organisations for CIOs in other European countries, especially those in Belgium, France and Germany, we participate in the social debate sharing insights from the experience of the business users of digital technology. We coordinate our input on new policy and legislative proposals and coordinate contacts with politicians at the international level.

The digital future is one of the two pillars of the European Commission's policy. This focusses a lot of attention to the opportunities and threats of digital technology for the European economy and society in the Member States. This also initiates a lot of new regulations. These regulations are created in cooperation between the European Commission, the Member States united in the European Council and the people's representation in the European Parliament. All these bodies are, actively or passively, interested in the impact and consequences of the regulations on stakeholders. Organisations that use digital technology to provide better services, better products, new treatments or to deliver existing services and products more reliably or cheaply, business users, are pre-eminently a stakeholder of these regulations. That is why we make our voices heard, and why cooperation pays off. Because together we are stronger and can be active in more areas.

In recent years, the links with our sister organisations in Belgium (Beltug), Germany (VOICE) and France (Cigref)have become particularly strong. We work closely together on assessing new regulations and providing input on those regulations. In this regard, we focus on the following priorities

  1. Stop the misuse of vendor lock-in on the market for digital technology
  2. Ensure that only digital products and services (including software) that are verifiably compliant with the European legislation and regulations are allowed to enter the market.
  3. Retaining data ownership for the business user of IT.
  4. Improving cybersecurity and the approach to cybercrime on a national and international level.

Read more about the priorities of CIO Platform Nederland and our positions on relevant regulatory initiatives.
