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Kick off session CxOs in the Maritime Sector | Data in the Port Ecosystem

2024-09-30   Maritieme sector meetingFriday 19 July 2024 Knowledge sharing on digitization topics relevant to the maritime sector. Meetings are organized by/in cooperation with CIO Platform Netherlands and are open to organizations wishing to share knowledge on substantive issues. CIO Platform Netherlands reserves the right to deny access to meetings. full story

A quick look back at the first six months of 2024

2024-07-12 | Blog edwardFriday 12 July 2024 A nice summer blog of our new board member Edward Cox, also General Manager Louwman Group Services. Have a nice summer! full story

Annual Day 2024 - Aftermovie

2024-07-09  Jaardag aftemovieMonday 08 July 2024 A record number of CIO Platform Nederland members gathered on June 6th to celebrate our community's valuable and sociable Annual Day together under the banner 'Elevate your Digital Transformation'. Watch the aftermovie here. full story

Research on labour market shortages, help us reach 100 and help yourself!

2024-04-17 Human Capital Agenda ICTMonday 24 June 2024 The shortage of qualified ICT talent is a brake on growth for many organisations. Together with other organisations, we are committed to tackling this challenge. We would like to ask for the help of our members by filling out a survey. full story

Blog: ProRail sponsors the next generation of IT professionals

2024-06-24  Blog Evy KalkerFriday 21 June 2024 I solved the mini Rubik's Cube again in no time and the maze key rings were quickly busted, but the Beta Olympiad, on the other hand, is unbreakable in my memory. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Nod if warm memories spring to mind now too. full story

Blog: Hope, courage and pride!

2023-09-15 Inclusive LeadershipFriday 31 May 2024 Despite progress made in recognising social injustice, we are not there yet and there is a role and responsibility for public leaders to take up. Pick it up with courage and realise hope and pride! full story

Quite some attention for VMware letter

2023-06-26 | NB | CIO verenigingen roepen Breton op tot actie EUCS voorstel brengt grote gevolgen voorFriday 05 April 2024 The four CIO associations' joint letter to the European Commission regarding the impact of Broadcom's acquisition of VMware on our members, has generated a lot of interest. full story

ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen.

2024-03-28 ICT-experts, ondernemers en wetenschappers deelden hun inzichtenThursday 28 March 2024 27th of March, ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and us on how to be less dependent on non-European countries for cloud services and to become stronger in this technology ourselves. full story

Business IT users condemn Broadcom's market behaviour and call on European Commission for appropriate action

2023-06-26 | NB | CIO verenigingen roepen Breton op tot actie EUCS voorstel brengt grote gevolgen voorThursday 28 March 2024 Today, CIO Platform Netherlands and its three European sister associations sent a joint letter to the European Commission following possible market-distorting behaviour by Broadcom since its acquisition of VMware. full story

Arjen Boersma and Edward Cox join the board

2024-01-11 | Nieuwe BestuursledenThursday 28 March 2024 We would like to welcome Arjen Boersma, CIO ProRail and Edward Cox, CIO Louwman Group, to the board of CIO Platform Nederland. full story

Umbrella organisations call for National Growth Fund to remain open

2024-03-12 Koepels roepen op tot openhouden nationaal GroeifondsFriday 08 March 2024 Together with VNO-NCW, FME, NLdigital and several other parties, CIO Platform Nederland sent an open letter to the Lower House last week calling for the National Growth Fund, and in particular the current 4th round, to remain open. full story

CIO-associations launch ‘A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world’

2024-02-21  Manifesto A perspective on tomorrow's digital worldThursday 29 February 2024 Four CIO-associations launch their joint Manifesto ‘A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world’ highlighting four priorities for European politicians to address in the coming years to reach the digital ambitions set over the last years and to ensure our strategic independence based on our values in the digital world. full story

Blog - Reflections Chairman on themes and journey for 2024

2023-01-19 Blog Martijn KoningFriday 19 January 2024 Dear colleagues, members of CIO Platform Nederland,

As we’ve stepped into 2024, I am thrilled to present my reflections on the pivotal themes that will shape our journeys throughout this year. full story

Blog: What knowledge and tools should the Supervisory Board have in order to be able to assess the risks of applying artificial intelligence?

2023-12-05 | Blog | Frank FerroMonday 04 December 2023 Are you as part of a (supervisory) board looking for more guidance and control on AI? Or are you interested in this? Find insights and leads in this blog by Frank Ferro (Director Insights, PostNL). full story

CIO of the Year 2023 – Aart Rupert, Damen

2023-11-27 | CIO DAY 2023 | Aart RupertMonday 27 November 2023 During a whirlwind show at CIODAY, the CIO of the Year 2023 was announced. full story

Blog The new 'normal' / Change management

2023-11-20 - Blog GerJan HuisjesMonday 20 November 2023 Gerjan Huisjes (Director, VolkerWessels ITBV) shares his thoughts and advice on the changing environment for the CIO, employees and the world. What is our role in the 'new normal' and how do we deal with it? Read it below! full story

The new 'normal' / Change management

2023-11-20 - Blog GerJan HuisjesMonday 20 November 2023 Gerjan Huisjes (Director, VolkerWessels ITBV) shares his thoughts and advice on the changing environment for the CIO, employees and the world. What is our role in the 'new normal' and how do we deal with it? Read it below! full story

Digital technology, (continuing) livelihoods and the 2023 elections

2023-11-13 | NB | Digitale technologie, (voort-)bestaanszekerheid en de verkiezingen van 2023 .jpgMonday 13 November 2023 On Wednesday November 22nd, the Netherlands will go to the polls. More than two and a half years after the previous elections, and less than two years after the Rutte IV Cabinet took office. And yet the situation is completely different. full story

Blog: Cybersecurity month October: Keep your colleagues alert

2023-10-03 | Blog| Ronald VerbeekMonday 02 October 2023 For several years now, October has been cybersecurity month. Bring the topic to the attention of your colleagues too; cybersecurity concerns us all! full story

Blog: What if no new management assistants graduate in five years' time?

2023-09-12  Blog Judith van der KolkMonday 18 September 2023 Times are changing. But who then makes the complex appointments, who makes sure the agenda is correct, who is the person in the background who arranges everything? Read more in the current blog by Judith van der Kolk from Spaarne hospital. full story

Take care of an Enterprise Architect; How an Enterprise Architect unburdens and provides

2021-05-25 Mailing terugkoppeling SAM.pngMonday 11 September 2023 ''Great, Enterprise Architect! Probably interesting and important, but what do you actually do?'' For many people, it's a pretty abstract role, not always easy to place. Fortunately, I have my elevator pitch ready! full story

Urgent call on the EC to also designate the major cloud providers as gatekeepers under the DMA

2023-01-17 NB Grijp de kansen in het nieuwe digitale landschap!Friday 08 September 2023 Urgent call on the European Commission to also designate the major cloud providers as gatekeepers under the DigitalMarketsAct (DMA) to ensure additional obligations. full story

Our four priorities for the next Cabinet

2023-08-24 Our four priorities for the next CabinetThursday 24 August 2023 With the fall of the Cabinet at the last minute before the summer recess, the elections are suddenly a lot closer than anticipated. CIO Platform Netherlands has shared its four priorities for the Netherlands to become a forerunner in the use of people-centric digital technologies and innovations with the political parties. full story

Blog: Demonstrating Ransomware resistance SaaS applications raises question marks

2023-08-25 Blog Paul Samwel.jpgThursday 24 August 2023 Several members of the CIO Platform Netherlands face the challenge of making their SaaS applications demonstrably resilient against Ransomware attacks. A working group of CIO Platform Nederland has been looking into this issue in recent months. full story

Blog: The Crucial Role of Developers in the Digital Transformation

2023-07-07 - Blog Martin Hoff - The Crucial Role of Developers in the Digital TransformationFriday 07 July 2023 It’s almost holiday season and many of us are going on a journey to beautiful and inspiring places. Our heroes are also going on vacation and they deserve it. Our heroes? Yes, the developers who make the digital transformation possible. In my blog below you can read why. full story

Blog: How a data platform and federated data & analytics model can help you win the Tour de France pool.

2023-06-29 Blog Dave van den HurkThursday 29 June 2023 I like data, I like sports, I like playing games and I generally hate losing. Consequently, this cocktail makes entering the annual Tour de France pool a serious business for me. full story

Blog: The candle is still burning

2023-06-21 | Blog | Andre LensinkTuesday 20 June 2023 I must have been about 9 years old when I first saw that burning globe. A candle, in the shape of our earth, slowly burned out. This made a deep impression. Maybe then my green heart started beating. ... Now I also want to show that in my role as CIO. In this blog, therefore, some of my recommendations to get that done. How do you handle this? full story

Blog: The War of Talent

2023-06-12 | Blog | war on Talent Pieter HalenbeekMonday 12 June 2023 - The War of Talent - A topic that is frequently discussed during meetings involving CIOs, HR directors and other stakeholders within the IT sector. Also within the government, programmes have been started under the banner of I-skills that should give substance to the recruitment and, of course, retention of (new) colleagues. An excellent subject for us, CIO Platform Nederland members, to share our experiences and thus make each other stronger. full story

Annual Day 2023 | Empowering our Tech & Data Community from within!

2023-06-12 | NB | CIOPN-Jaardag 2023 | Empowering our Tech & Data Community from withinMonday 12 June 2023 On Thursday 8 June, we celebrated our Annual Day together with about hundred members. While enjoying snacks, drinks and the bright sunshine, participants were able to gain inspiration and knowledge.   full story

Digital skills crucial in education or not?

2023-06-01 | NB | Digitale vaardigheden wel of niet cruciaal in het onderwijsThursday 01 June 2023 Prior to the Whitsun weekend, two motions were announced in the Dutch House of Representatives that concerned the place of digital literacy in primary and secondary education full story

Digital literacy is a crucial basic skill

2023-06-01 | NB | Digitale vaardigheden wel of niet cruciaal in het onderwijsFriday 26 May 2023 In a world where digital technology is becoming increasingly important, in almost all social, societal and economic processes, having sufficient knowledge to handle it properly is crucial. Being able to develop, maintain and deploy this technology properly and safely, understanding what it can be used for, and what it cannot be used for and how to do so efficiently, is necessary in this regard, also to avoid major problems. This is where the economic opportunities of the future lie. full story

Meryem El Bouyahyaoui new board member for Diversity & Inclusion

Meryem El Bouyahyaoui - CIBG - 2023Monday 15 May 2023 CIO Platform Nederland welcomes Meryem El Bouyahyaoui (CIO at CIBG) as new board member for the portfolio of Diversity & Inclusion. This vacancy arose due to a new career opportunity of Britt van den Berg (until recently CIO at SVB). full story

CIO Platform Nederland signs inclusion pact VIP-IT to increase labour participation of visually impaired persons within IT

2023-05-12 | NB |  Inclusiepact VIP-ITSaturday 13 May 2023 On May 12th, several parties, including CIO Platform Nederland, signed the inclusion pact VIP-IT, at the location of Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) in Hilversum. The project team from the HvA, the Bartiméus Fund and Incluvisie shared the steps in the project plan with the aim of getting more visually impaired people (VIPs) employed in IT. full story

Blog: role of the CIO & Tech in times of economic downturn

2023-05-12 | NB | Blog AnnaFriday 12 May 2023 CIOs should step up when economy goes down.

There are a number of crises at the moment, both in the world and in the Netherlands. Crises such as climate and biodiversity change, shortage of workforce, inflation, immigration, and war... full story

Will you join our members as a senior policy officer?

2020-07-01 vacature beleidsmedewerker.pngWednesday 10 May 2023 Are you good at analyzing digital developments, do you see opportunities or risks and are you able to put them into words so that targeted actions emerge? CIO Platform Nederland is looking for a senior policy officer to help us fulfill our role towards members and in the social domain even better. full story

Blog: Your responsibility as a CIO reaches beyond IT!

2023-04-03 | NB | ENG THE IMPORTANCE OF  DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACEMonday 03 April 2023 As a CIO/IT director you spend most of your time on the digital transition of your company or organization. Legacy must be addressed, technical debt must be reduced, and innovations must be leveraged and woven into the existing application landscape to make it as robust, reliable and agile as possible. full story

Theme session ‘How unbiased hiring can help you win the war for talent' March 16th. Did you miss it! Join us on April 5th in Utrecht

NB 2023-03-16 Diviersity & Inclusion  - Unbiased HiringFriday 17 March 2023 On March 16th, an enthusiastic group of members of CIO Platform Nederland started working on 'unbiased hiring' at Britt van den Berg (she/her) (chairman CIO Committee Diversity & Inclusion, board member) CIO of SVB. full story

A look into the agile kitchen during the Planning two-day event of Avans University of Applied Sciences

2023-03-07  NB EventCEG Agile Avans HogeschoolMonday 13 March 2023 On March 7, the Expert Groups (CEG) Agile and CEG Portfolio management were guests at Avans in Den Bosch for a look behind the agile kitchen. What a beautiful day with new insights and inspiration! full story

Twin Transition Playbook for CIO’s

2023-02-13 NB Workshop 'Twin Transition' schipholMonday 20 February 2023 A large group of participants, equally divided between CIOs and other stakeholders and interested parties in the field of digital and energy transition, gathered at Schiphol Group on 13 February. full story

Position on AI as input to Lower House debate

2023-01-25 AI ActWednesday 25 January 2023 On Wednesday January 25th, the Digital Affairs Committee of the Lower House debated AI. CIO Platform Nederland provided input on this, as we want to bring some experiences and insights from ... full story

Valuable BOT (Legs on the table) session for CEG Infra & ITSM

2023-01-24 NB CEG Infras & ITSMTuesday 24 January 2023 Today we hosted a super valuable BOT (Legs on the table – in Dutch) session for our expert group Infrastructure & ITSM. full story

New year packed full of value for the members of CIO Platform Nederland.

2023-01-26 Blog Martijn KoningFriday 20 January 2023 At the start of this new year, I am happy to share a preview of what 2023 will bring for members of CIO Platform Nederland. Because many activities and meetings are already planned, to learn with and from each other on the journey of digital transformation and applying digital technology in our organisations. full story

Seize the opportunities in the new digital landscape!

2023-01-17 NB Grijp de kansen in het nieuwe digitale landschap!Tuesday 17 January 2023 Your role in the digital market is changing; you can soon expect and demand more from your suppliers, but will also have greater responsibility towards your customers. Don't be surprised, let your legal/compliance colleague monitor these developments. full story

Open letter CIO associations to EC to call for digital single market for cloud services that need a high level of assurance

2022-6-01 4-a-sociationsWednesday 26 October 2022 Beltug, Cigref, VOICE and CIO Platform Nederland are calling upon Commissioner Thierry Breton to take several necessary steps in order to create new market opportunities for highly secure cloud solutions in Europe. full story

Beltug Chairman Claude Rapoport selected for new EC expert group Data Sharing and Cloud Computing

2020-07-01 Vergadering kabinet van Europees vice-president Vestager.pngThursday 20 October 2022 The four cooperating European CIO Associations (Beltug, VOICE, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland) are proud to announce that Beltug’s Chairman of the Board, Claude Rapoport, has been selected as an expert member for the European Commission’s new B2B Data Sharing and Cloud Computing expert group. full story

Fair principle 11: The scope, execution and intended outcome of an audit shall be clearly defined in the contract.

2022-10-04 Fair Principles 11a (1020 x 574 px)Monday 03 October 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 9 calls for commercial models to not be changed unilaterally and be adhering to an active ‘opt-in’ principle. full story

Cyber Resilience | ONVZ, CCRC | November 1st | CEG Information Security (online)

2022-11-11 CEG Information SecurityTuesday 27 September 2022 Cyber Resilience is on the agenda at the CEG Information Security on November 1st, 1.00pm – 3.00pm (Online).
Meet your peers online and take the opportunity to gain new insights and catch up on recent and ongoing external developments. The CEG offers a good opportunity to find answers to your questions and dilemmas regarding Information Security. During this CEG there is plenty of opportunity to gain new information about new developments within the theme. full story

'Agile in practice' at Alliander| 18 October 2022 | Arnhem

2022-10-18 - CEG Agile AllianderTuesday 27 September 2022 Only a few places available!

A unique opportunity for every Agile coach, HR leader and business coach, to hear from one of the members of the CIO Platform how they deal with digital transformation and the successful adoption of Agile throughout the organization. full story

Fair Principle 10: Commercial models and offerings shall be consistent and reasonable, not combining different models for the benefit of the vendor’s revenue

2022-09-27 Fair Principles 10BTuesday 27 September 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 9 calls for commercial models to not be changed unilaterally and be adhering to an active ‘opt-in’ principle. full story

Fair Principle 9: Commercial models shall not be changed unilaterally and adhere to an active ‘opt-in’ principle.

2022-09-15 Fair Principles 9BThursday 15 September 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 9 calls for commercial models to not be changed unilaterally and be adhering to an active ‘opt-in’ principle. full story

Quantum Tech: 2030 is already the day after tomorrow! Opportunities and Risks at CEG Innovation & IT

2022-09-27  Quatum techMonday 12 September 2022 More than 30 members of our association gathered on June 23 2022, to hear the latest insights about Quantum Tech in collaboration with Ferdinand Griesdoorn (chairman of the Quantum Innovation Hub Rijksoverheid, member of our association as policy officer digital innovation & information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Jesse Robbers (Director Industry & Digital Infrastructure at Quantum Delta NL) and CIOs Rian van den Broek (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) and Tjeerd Veenstra (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) full story

Fair Principle 8: Service levels and product specifications shall be explicitly listed and take the context of the customer into account

2022-09-08 NB Fair Principles 8BThursday 08 September 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 8 calls for service levels and product specifications to being explicitly listed and taking the context of the customer into account. full story

Fair Principle 7: Contractual terms shall allow customers to use progressive or innovative technologies and deployment models.

2022-08-25 NB  Fair Principles 7BTuesday 23 August 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 7 calls for that the contractual conditions should enable customers to make use of advanced or innovative technologies and usage models. full story

Fair Principle 6: Contractual terms for licensing and subscriptions shall be free from geographic and entity restrictions.

2022-08-10 NB Fair Principles 6BWednesday 10 August 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 6 calls for contractual terms for licensing and subscriptions to be free from geographic and entity restrictions. full story

Fair Principle 5: Contractual terms shall not restrict or discriminate for customer’s choice of cloud provider, outsourcing partner or hardware platform

2022-07-28 NB Fair Principles 05BThursday 28 July 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 5 calls for contractual terms to not restrict or discriminate for customer’s choice of cloud provider, outsourcing partner or hardware platform. full story

Fair Principle 4: Contractual terms and conditions shall be clear and unambiguous. They shall not be unilaterally changeable.

2022-07-14 NB Fair Principles 04BThursday 14 July 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 4 states contractual terms and conditions shall be clear, unambiguous and not unilaterally changeable. full story

CIOTV #75 What about the maturity of digital transformations? With Martijn Koning and Arthur Govaert

2022-07-02 ciotv 75 martijn en arthurMonday 04 July 2022 In this special seventy-fifth episode of CIOTV, current chairman Martijn Koning (Chief Digital & Sustainability Officer AutoBinck Group) and former chairman Arthur Govaert (VP Innovation Program ... full story

Fair Principle 3: Customers shall remain in control of their own data and all the data uploaded or processed by the service/solution.

2022-06-30 NB Fair Principles 03BThursday 30 June 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 3 calls for customers to remain in control of their own data and all the data uploaded or processed by the service/solution. full story

Fair Principle 2: Vendors must not create a technical or commercial lock-in

2022-06-23 NB Fair Principles 02BThursday 23 June 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 2 calls for every vendor to avoid creating a technical or commercial lock-in. full story

Urgent call to European Commission regarding the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)

2021-05-18 Terugkoppeling gesprek met Europese Commissie over digitale technologiebeleid.pngWednesday 22 June 2022 CIO Platform Nederland calls on the European Commission not to adopt the EUCS until the consequences for business users in industry and government in Europe have been thoroughly investigated, a consultation of stakeholders has taken place and the responsible political bodies have weighed up the digital autonomy, costs and benefits of a decision. full story

Fair Principle 1: Vendors shall fulfil existing regulatory obligations

2022-06-16 NB Fair Principles 01BThursday 16 June 2022 Business users associations Beltug, Voice, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential. Fair principle 1 calls for every vendor to fulfil existing regulatory obligations. full story

Business users associations call for a balanced cloud market: 11 fair principles to unleash Europe’s digital potential

2022-06-14 NB Fair Principles 0Tuesday 14 June 2022 Companies, hospitals, public institutions, universities, etc, deserve a better cloud environment. Most organisations highly depend on their cloud solutions. However, the imbalance in the relationships between cloud providers and their business customers leads to unfair practices. The upcoming European regulations offer several possibilities to improve the situation. full story

Looking back at the CIOPN Annual Day 2022

2022-06-09 NB Terugblik CIOPN-Jaardag 2022Monday 13 June 2022 On Thursday 9 June, the CIOPN Annual Day took place at a beautiful location with similar weather. Under the slogan: ''Polder IT, from discussing to doing'', the annual day offered many opportunities to gain practical advice and/or ideas via various inspiring speakers, active sessions and, of course, personal interaction. full story

Chairman Arthur Govaert of CIO Platform Nederland hands over presidency to Martijn Koning

2022-06-09 Scheidend voorzitter Arthur GovaertThursday 09 June 2022 During the inspiring Annual Day 2022 today in Nieuwegein with the theme 'PolderIT, from discussing to doing!', including messages from Minister Van Huffelen and our sister associations Beltug (Belgium), VOICE (Germany) and Cigref (France), the members of CIO Platform Nederland said goodbye to chairman Arthur Govaert and they welcomed Martijn Koning. full story

Annual Day 2022: Polder IT, from discussing to doing!

2022-06-09 Annual DayWednesday 08 June 2022 Tomorrow our CIO Platform Nederland Annual Day 2022 will take place! After a long time of planning and talking, we will have a day full of interesting contributions and opportunities to talk to other members at a beautiful location in Nieuwegein. full story

Implementing digitisation policy

2022-05 03 DigitaleringsbeleidTuesday 03 May 2022 In her letter on the main points of digitisation policy, State Secretary Van Huffelen, together with the other ministers involved, gives further substance to the contours outlined in the coalition agreement. A letter of 20 pages, indicating that there is still a lot of work to be done! full story

New CIO signature event 'Innovate Yourself' April 5th, 2022!

2022-04-05 Changing role CIOMonday 28 February 2022 After the successful Innovation event last November, the CIO Committee (CC) Digital Strategy of CIO Platform Nederland focuses emphatically on the personal development of the CIO with the CxO Theme Session: 'Innovate yourself: The Changing role of the CIO' on April 5th (3-8PM). full story

3rd meeting Female IT leaders Network of CIO Platform Nederland on International Women's Day

Monday 21 February 2022 On International Women's Day, March 8th, the Female IT Leaders network (FILN) of CIO Platform Nederland, in close collaboration with Laura Klaver, Henk van Steeg and Margot Schumacher of Thales, is organizing a 'live' afternoon-evening program about the impact of #femaleleadership. full story

Female IT leadership @Port of Rotterdam

2021-10-28 IT Female Leader Network.Port of RotterdamFriday 26 November 2021 Last month some 20 female IT leaders met at the beautiful facilities of Port of Rotterdam, hosted by Claudia de Andrade – de Wit, CIO Port of Rotterdam, board member CIO Platform Nederland and co-initiator of this network group. full story

CIOPN has four recommendations for informateurs in establishing the coalition agreement’s outline

BriefMonday 18 October 2021 CIO Platform Nederland has sent a letter to the informateurs drawing their attention to the interests and issues of the business user. full story

CIO-associations demand: Microsoft, improve on sustainability and security!

2021-10-08 Nieuwsbericht Persbericht oproep duurzaamheid aan Microsoft.pngFriday 08 October 2021 On October 8th, 2021, CIO Platform Nederland, Beltug, Cigref and Voice issued a joint press release. In it, we call on Microsoft to address the unnecessary environmental damage caused by its commercial policies and to take more responsibility for safe products, so that business users no longer have to pay the huge costs of its unsafe products. Microsoft is not alone in this, but as the market leader it has a particular responsibility. full story

Annual Day 2021: the digital heart of society

2021-09-15 Jaardag Event-omslagMonday 20 September 2021 The main topic of this year’s annual day, for which over 90 of our members travelled to the Mauritskazerne on September 15th, was ‘The digital heart of society’. The programme, led by Arthur Govaert and Ronald Verbeek, has quite literally and figuratively contributed to the digital heart of the participants. full story

Start Female IT Leaders Network

2021-07-28 extern Female IT Leaders NetworkFriday 30 July 2021 Members of our association have expressed the need as female CIOs and female IT leaders to come together with peers to network and strengthen each other. At the beginning of July a kick-off meeting was organized to start - possibly a series of - network sessions of the Female IT Leaders Network. full story

Reaction CIO Platform Nederland to legislative proposal to enable sharing of cybersecurity information

2021-07-14 Reactie CIOPN consulatie delen cyber.sec.infoWednesday 14 July 2021 The State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Change recently submitted the bill on promoting digital resilience in companies for consultation. full story

Concerns CIOs features in FD again

2021-07-05 FD-artikel zorgen CIOs cyber security.pngMonday 05 July 2021 Last weekend, based on the results from a survey of CIO Platform Nederland’s members, newspaper FD published an article. full story

Launch guideline for successful cooperation

2021-05-18 Nieuwsbericht Richtlijn succesvolle samenwerkingTuesday 18 May 2021 In close cooperation between CIO Platform Nederland and NLdigital the ‘Guideline for successful cooperation’ has been launched. The guideline provides guidance towards more predictability and transparency in the relationship between providers and users of software. Download the guideline, implement it and make sure to let us know to what extent the guideline is (in)effective in practice. full story

Article by FD about GDPR-compliance featuring CIO Platform Nederland finds national audience

2021-04-12 AVG 2.jpgMonday 12 April 2021 On April 5th, the Financieele Dagblad published an article with contributions from CIO Platform Nederland about the issues business users face concerning compliance with the GDPR. The article did not remain unnoticed, but also contained a few inaccuracies. Please find below both amendments and a reference to the parliamentary questions asked and other publications in the media based on the article. full story

Advisory report NL Cyber Security Council advises an integrated approach to cyber resilience with management at the highest level

2021-04-07 CSR Adviesrapport.jpgWednesday 07 April 2021 Yesterday, the demissionary Minister of Justice and Security presented the Cyber Security Council's CSR Advisory Report "Integrated approach to cyber resilience" to the House of Representatives. It contains concrete (strategic) measures to be taken in the short term to get our cyber resilience to the necessary level as quickly as possible, including the corresponding investments of € 833 million. CIO Platform Nederland, represented in the council by Claudia de Andrade - de Wit, is pleased with the publication and emphasizes the importance of the central approach full story

Inspiring Board webinar Data Rules!

2021-03-02 Data Rules intro Sjoerd.pngThursday 18 March 2021 'Data Rules!' - our inspiration-webinar on value creation through data- specifically designed for the (non-) executive board members and CxOs of the member organizations of CIO Platform Nederland was a huge success! Expert speakers from Alliander, DPG Media, Pon, Royal Schiphol Group, PostNL, Picnic Technologies, Rijkswaterstaat and Radboudumc inspired the interactive audience on the importance, opportunities and impact of data. full story

Digital security: "The chain is only as strong as its weakest link"

2021-03-08 Claudia risicoklassenindelingtool.pngMonday 08 March 2021 "With more than 4,000 parties working closely together in the logistics chain, it is becoming increasingly important to be incredibly well aligned. Not only on a physical level, but also on a digital level. Investing in cyber security is therefore necessary in order to be a reliable partner in this logistics chain." Was said by Claudia de Andrade de Wit, Director Digital & IT at the Port of Rotterdam and chair CC Information Security at CIO Platform Nederland. full story

Kick-off new knowledge group CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management

2022-11-02 CEG Infrastructure & IT Service ManagementMonday 08 March 2021 On Monday January 25th, around 25 participants took part in the kick-off CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management. An event dedicated to sharing knowledge in this area and to learn from each other. full story

CIO Special: I-Strategy Rijk 2021-2025

2021-02-11 Nieuwsbericht CIO Special Lourens Visser.pngThursday 11 February 2021 On Wednesday January 20th, over CxOs were present at the CIO Special: I-Strategy Rijk 2021-2025. At the initiative of our fellow member, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, we had an insightful and, despite the virtual environment, very sociable look behind the curtain of the Directory CIO-Rijk. full story

Call for cyber security measures

2021-01-28 Oproep cyber security maatregelen.pngThursday 28 January 2021 CIO Platform Nederland calls on the Minister of Justice and Security and the State Secretary of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to take measures in the field of cyber security. full story

Focus 2021 & recap 2020

2021-01-26 Nieuwsbericht terugblik 2020 en focus 2021.pngTuesday 26 January 2021 CIO Platform Netherlands flourishes like never before. In 2020, a large number of meetings were organised, with an increasing participation rate. Take a look with us at 2020 and where the focus lies for 2021. full story

Data sandbox tooling: central support, local management?

2020-12-29 Blog data sandbox.pngWednesday 30 December 2020 In the WhatsApp group of the CIO Platform Nederland for Data Experts we received a question about experiences with making a data sandbox available for business applications. The sandbox itself is a means to create an increasingly data-driven organisation. The below article is written for everybody not yet familiar with data sandbox, but is in the midst of a transformation to a data-driven organisation. full story

Mission Control at DPG Media

2020-12-21 DPG Mission Control.pngMonday 21 December 2020 DPG Media shifted quickly to a central PMO control in an agile environment. Learn from their approach and take be inspired by their learnings and challenges. full story

Concerns and expectations Digital Markets Act

2020-12-14 Brief EC Digital Market Act.pngMonday 14 December 2020 On behalf of the chairmen of the Dutch, Belgium, German and France CIO associations a letter was offered on Friday December 11th 2020 to the Vice-President of the European Commission mw. Vestager, and Euro Commissioner Breton. full story

Launch cybersecurity guide – cooperation pays off!

2020-12-03 Wegwijzer nieuwsbericht DTC.pngMonday 07 December 2020 The ‘Guide for cybersecurity initiatives’ where large organisations, SMEs and self-employed can turn to for help to elevate their digital resilience has been launched! After an intensive cooperation between the Digital Trust Centre and members of the CIO Platform Nederland. ‘We encourage that various initiatives in the field of cybersecurity are increasingly easier to find due to this new guide. Hopefully, it will elevate the security of Dutch corporations’, said Henk van Steeg, CIO Thales Nederland and member of the CIO Committee Information Security. full story


2020-11-30 CIODAY terugkoppeling.pngMonday 30 November 2020 Last Tuesday the 24th of November, the sixteenth edition of CIODAY took place. As a partner and supporting organisation the CIO Platform Netherlands was of course present during the event, which was completely virtually this occasion. full story

Letter to minister Grapperhaus: strengthen the cyber resilience of the Netherlands

2020-11-11 Brief Grapperhaus - cyber veiligeheid.pngTuesday 20 October 2020 The CIO Platform Nederland calls for attention regarding the cyber resilience of the Netherlands and Dutch companies, while the National Cyber Security Center didn’t share information timely. full story

100+ European CIOs in GAIA-X webinar

2020-10-15 GAIA-X Nieuwsbericht.pngTuesday 13 October 2020 More than a hundred participants from six European countries connected on September 25th, 2020 to attend the ‘GAIA-X webinar, the user perspective’. Organized by the European CIO associations Cigref, VOICE, Beltug and CIO Platform Nederland to exchange insights on the purpose of GAIA-X and its benefits for users, presented by, among others, CIOs from GAIA-X founding members Beckhoff Automation and EDF. full story

CIO Platform Nederland in FD Article 'National Cyber Watchdog does not bark for everyone'

2020-28-08 FD WaakhondThursday 27 August 2020 Yesterday, 26 August, Het Financieele Dagblad again paid attention to digital resilience: the need to also inform the non-vital sector in the event of critical security leaks. On behalf of CIO Platform Nederland, members Marcel Krom (CIO PostNL) and Paul Samwel (CISO ONVZ) and director Ronald Verbeek were interviewed. full story

Digital resilience affected by NCSC withholding information

2020-08-18 Artikel achterhouden hack informatieTuesday 18 August 2020 In response to the article in the Financieele Dagblad of last August 17th with the title "The government knew who was vulnerable, but still allowed companies to be hacked. The government throws away information about hacks from companies", CIO Platform Nederland is calling on the government today to never let this happen again. And to take up its role for the digital resilience of Dutch society. full story

Jointly analysing cyber security information without sharing

2020-06-23 Webinar MPC -TNO.pngFriday 10 July 2020 On July 7th, 2020, at a webinar organized for members of CIO Platform Nederland, TNO introdced an ongoing research project in the field of the exchange of cyber security information and Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). In this blog post, we'll make the information from the webinar more widely available, as MPC and cyber security can be an interesting and valuable combination for anyone who is working on cyber security (threat) information. full story

Figures of the first half-year 2020 | CIO Platform Nederland

2020-07-06 Infographic nieuwbericht.pngMonday 06 July 2020 We look back on two eventful quarters of 2020! Despite the challenging circumstances, we are proud of all the events that have taken place. In total, 740 participants attended our 58 events in the first half year of 2020! full story

Meeting with vice-president of the European Commission, Margarethe Vestager’s Cabinet

2020-07-01 Vergadering kabinet van Europees vice-president Vestager.pngMonday 06 July 2020 On Wednesday morning July 1, Arthur Govaert and Ronald Verbeek, along with colleagues from Beltug, Cigref and Voice, spoke to mr. Werner Stengg and mr. Michele Piergiovanni from the cabinet of vice-president of the European Commission (EC), mrs. Margarethe Vestager. full story

Call for action CIO Platform Nederland: Corona peak conquered in 100 days. Which anchors do we install?

2020-06-29 Piek zekerenTuesday 30 June 2020 Today CIO Platform Nederland calls on everyone in political, administrative and policy roles to secure the accomplishments from the impact of the covid-19 measures on digitalization in the Netherlands. full story

Members CIO Platform Nederland help each other to the 1.5 meter economy

2020-06-28 Samenvatting 1.5m bezigheden.pngMonday 29 June 2020 Since the covid-19 measures came into force in mid-March, the strength of a network formed by the 131 members of CIO Platform Nederland has proven itself. full story

The House of Representatives and a grip on digitization

2020-06-07 De Tweede Kamer en grip op digitalisering.jpgFriday 05 June 2020 The Temporary Digital Future Committee (TCDT), which included MPs from various political parties, has looked at how parliament can get a better grip on digitization. The final report was recently delivered and provides some interesting insights and recommendations. full story

Cyber Risk Management & People driven Awareness

2020-06-07 Cyber risk management.jpgFriday 29 May 2020 May 19, the virtual session for CEG Information Security group took place. For the almost 30 participants in the Teams session, a nice program was presented by Richard Verbrugge, Information Security Awareness Manager at ABN AMRO and Sjaak Schouteren, CIPP-E, Cyber Development Leader at Marsh. The recordings of both presentations has been made available. full story

Minimizing Patch Management in crisis situations - Call from Digital Service User Associations to major providers

Patch Management.jpgWednesday 01 April 2020 Beltug, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland represent several thousand private and public organisations in Belgium, France and the Netherlands that use digital services. full story

Update: Changes to events due to Corona / Covid-19 measures

coronavirusTuesday 24 March 2020 Following the extra measures announced on Monday March 23rd by the Cabinet to combat the spread and impact of the coronavirus, the CIO Platform Nederland will postpone meetings that were already planned until June 1, or if possible, change them into virtual meetings. full story

Cyber ​​security must be high on the board agenda at every organization, supported by the government

cyber-security_lock.jpgFriday 17 January 2020 Recent incidents involving ransomware at, among others, the University of Maastricht and Travelex and vulnerabilities in Citrix products that have affected government organizations, companies and hospitals, show once again that attention to safety should not be allowed to deminish and that sharing knowledge about current vulnerabilities and what to do about them, is necessary. full story

Bug Report: call to action!

bugreport.pngMonday 06 January 2020 Have you been there? All you really want to do, is to get your own actions and projects done before the end of the year. That's quite enough! full story

Perry van der Weyden (RWS) is CIO of the Year 2019

genomineerden-en-jury-CIODAY2019.jpegWednesday 27 November 2019 On behalf of all members, we congratulate Perry van der Weyden who won the CIO of the Year 2019 award. Perry was praised in part for his dedication and achievements in transforming Rijkswaterstaat and his ambitions with regard to data for traffic flow on high- and waterways in the Netherlands to make it better and better! full story

New board members Rikky van Osch, Claudia de Andrade - de Wit en Raimond Voermans with CIO Platform Nederland

2019-11-07 Netwerkdiner Prorail Bestuursleden.pngMonday 11 November 2019 On 7 November the CIO Networking Dinner took place at ProRail, with host Henk Bothof, CIO ProRail. Substantial value, knowledge and experience were exchanged. In addition, some board members stepped down and their successors were appointed. full story

How to Survive in the Age of Digital Disruption

2019-10-21 Blog DASA.jpgFriday 18 October 2019 On 9 October some 50 delegates gathered to be inspired by some enthusiastic expert speakers, all focusing on achieving an agile organization in this age of digital disruption. Special thanks to our co-host of the day, Teun van der Vorm, CIO of DPG Media (previously De Persgroep), where this special event took place. full story

CIO Platform Nederland in FD news ‘The stranglehold of the software giants’

2019-10-21 FD Wurggreep.jpgFriday 11 October 2019 The Dutch business newspaper ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’ (FD) paid attention to a topic that is urgent to CIOs: the need for large software vendors to adapt and balance their behaviour towards customers. The article has now been translated by FD from Dutch into English. full story

Urgent letter CIO Platform Nederland to the DPA’s to test software together

2019-09-23 Brandbrief AP.jpgTuesday 24 September 2019 Today CIO Platform Nederland has sent a letter to the board of Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP, Dutch DPA) the Dutch Data Protection Authority. In it we call on AP to set up a program together with the other European DPA’s that should lead to better compliance of commonly used software products, services and the associated conditions with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). full story

5 new members: even more connecting and strengthening at the CIO Platform Nederland!

2019-09-30 5 Nieuwe leden.pngMonday 23 September 2019 The CIO Platform Nederland is an association for and because of their members. With the arrival of new members we are able to offer a wider pallet of practical examples, experiences and (international) developments within our community. full story

Rik Farenhorst - new member of the board of CIO Platform Nederland

2019-08-12 Rik Farenhorst.jpgTuesday 16 July 2019 During the networking dinner at PostNL, Rik Farenhorst was unanimously elected to the board. He will focus on the new theme 'Transformation, People & Organization'. full story

Networking Dinner PostNL - the digital journey

2019-07-03 Netwerkdiner PostNL Rondleiding3.jpgFriday 05 July 2019 On Tuesday 2 July, PostNL's package sorting center in Nieuwegein was the setting for the second Network Dinner of 2019 for members of the CIO Platform Netherlands. Host Marcel Krom and his team presented some 30 CIOs the digital strategy of the market leader in parcel delivery. full story

Current results and lessons learned from two chatbot implementations at Shell

2019-06-25 Shell Jaardag 2019.jpgMonday 24 June 2019 As part of the Digital Employee Experience program, Shell implemented two chatbots. Erik Bakhuijs and Muriël Serrurier Schepper shared their experiences and insights about these implementations and the developments when in use. full story

Staying relevant in a changing world of work, Randstad

2019-06-25 Randstad Jaardag 2019.inspiration by innovation.jpgMonday 24 June 2019 René Steenvoorden as CIO and CDO at Randstad, he is responsible to ensure Randstad embraces the technological context to remain relevant. Remain relevant when bringing together organizations looking for suitable candidates and candidates seeking help with their (next) career steps. Data is a crucial key to success! full story

Break-out session: In discussion with Oscar Kneppers

2019-06-25 Oscar Kneppers Jaardag 2019.jpgMonday 24 June 2019 As a follow up of his plenary presentation, there was now room for in depth discussion. full story

Drone deployment for incident response by Rijkswaterstaat

25-06-2019 Rijkswaterstaat Jaardag 2019.jpgMonday 24 June 2019 How does Rijkswaterstaat, in collaboration with partners, design incident response on the water faster and more effectively, using new technologies? This issue has been examined together with partners. A combination of drone technology, data analysis and geomapping has been chosen. full story

Schiphol, connecting the Netherlands

2019-06-25 Schiphol cartoon.jpgMonday 24 June 2019 Innovation has been in Schiphol's DNA for more than 100 years. Continuous improvement and innovation is ongoing. On behalf of Schiphol Group, Sjoerd Blüm and Feddo Biekart took us into the IT strategy and innovation of Royal Schiphol Group. full story

PostNL, shipping the Future with Digital DNA

PostNL BO.pngMonday 24 June 2019 Jurre van Ruth, Digital Strategy Consultant, presented the road PostNL has traveled to provide every role / profile within the organization with a 'Digital DNA', or: how they succeeded in creating a digital profile for each role / profile. full story

Port of Rotterdam – With Digital Twin the smartest port!

2019-06-25 Port of Rotterdam Jaardag 2019.jpgMonday 24 June 2019 The port's Digital Twin has been developed, among other things, to make the digital strategy tangible and visual for the own organization. The objective is to be the first port that can receive autonomously sailing ships, but above all to keep the port a leader in efficiency and possibilities for its customers. full story

Interaction at Annual Day 2019

2019-06-19 Cartoon.spread.Low resolution.Annual Day 2019.small.jpgThursday 20 June 2019 Annual Day 2019 of the CIO Platform Nederland was all about "Innovation by Inspiration" last Wednesday, 19 June. A special day at a beautiful location. Networking, discussions, keynotes and members who came to Nieuwegein to exchange inspiration from their own practice! full story

CIO Innovation Dinner stresses value of knowledge sharing

2019-05-28 Blog Anton Rutten Rabobank RvB-CIO Innovatiediner.jpgMonday 27 May 2019 Sharing knowledge is something we often talk about and it is one of the five pillars in the CALMS model, but it quickly goes down the priority list when there is so much else to do. But we certainly shared a lot of knowledge and experience during the CIO/CEO dinner that CIO Platform Nederland organized and that we at Rabobank were proud to host. full story is live!

2019-04-26 26 April 2019, the association of European CxO associations is established on April 9th 2019. Representing the ‘business-users of digital technologies’ on an European level have reached the next level. The CIO Platform Nederland is co-founder of full story

Freedom, fun and learning

2019-04-12 Data science meet and greet.header.jpgFriday 12 April 2019 Working as a data scientist in a large organization, how will that be? IT students received an answer to this question on April 10th. During this third edition of the Data Science Meet & Greet, at a.s.r. insurances, the CIO Platform Nederland again showed its connecting strength. full story

Get insights into the day-to-day work live as a data scientist

2019-03-19 9 reasons for meet and greet.pngTuesday 19 March 2019 Attention all bachelor and master data science and IT students! Would you like to know how it is like to work as a data scientist at a big company or large organization? To get an answer, join our (free) Data Science Meet & Greet on Wednesday afternoon April 10th. full story

Directors: Include digital in your strategy and increase the digital knowledge!

2019-03-12 Digitale kennis in de boardroom.jpgTuesday 12 March 2019 Directors, commissioners and other internal supervisors increasingly see the importance of digitalization of their organization. But they miss the vision and knowledge on the strategic opportunities that digitalization offers. Conducting a strategic dialogue on digitalization & technology at these board levels strengthens the future of these organizations. full story

Effective decision-making for the entire portfolio

2019-02-26 blog portfolio.jpgTuesday 26 February 2019 Who is responsible for effective decision-making, how to rioritize do you and bases on which criteria? It's a challenge to get insights, do we do it top down or bottom-up? And what role can marketing and communication do for the portfolio? full story

Use practical principles and practical guidelines for teams

2019-02-20 Blog Innovation and IT.jpgTuesday 26 February 2019 Architecture in an Agile environment: What principles do you propose for autonomous teams? And how to embed things like security, privacy and architecture in the agile teams? full story

Networking dinner Mammoet

2019-02-12 Rondleiding NWD Mammoet.jpgFriday 15 February 2019 The yard in Schiedam of Mammoet was the setting of the first Networking dinner of 2019 for the members of the CIO Platform Nederland on Tuesday February 12th. The host Gerrit Dekker and his team presented the 25 participating CIO’s the IT world of the market leader of the world in the field of heavy lifting and transport. full story

Upcoming 3th Data Science Meet & Greet

2019-02-13 Data Science Meet and Greet April 10th.jpgWednesday 13 February 2019 To bring the daily practice and education closer together, the CIO Platform Nederland organizes on Wednesday afternoon on April 10th for the third time a Data Science Meet & Greet. The event for our members and data science students to meet each other. full story

Is Your Organization ‘Fit for the Future’?

2019-0117 all learnings - Fit for the future.jpgMonday 11 February 2019 Takeaways from a recent conference suggest more work is needed in DevOps adoption among organizations full story

Culture follows structure

Culture-Follows-Structure.jpgWednesday 06 February 2019 On January 17, 2019. Transavia hosted a highly interactive event “Fit for the Future,” enabled by CIO Platform Nederland and the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA). After several valuable lessons from Transavia and ABN AMRO Bank on their Agile and DevOps journeys, I had the privilege to facilitate one of the break-out sessions on Organizational Design. The objective of the workshop was to share practical do’s and don’ts on how to drive true organizational change towards self-organizing teams, to deal with the turbulent markets these organizations find themselves in. full story

10 Lessons learned by CIO's in creating a sustainble cultural change in a devops transformation

cio-event-10-lessons-learned.jpgTuesday 05 February 2019 Most organizations with a strong dependence on IT have started experimenting with DevOps today. The path from Waterfall to DevOps typically leads through adopting Agile and Scrum but is not linear or the same for every organization. full story

"Fit for the Future"

2019-0117 learnings Transavia - Fit for the future.jpgMonday 21 January 2019 Rik Farenhorst, CIO at Transavia and chairman of DASA DevOps Enterprise Leadership Forum acted as host on January 17th. As part of the program, he gave a clear explanation of how far Transavia is progressing with their "Fit for the Future" program. full story

New year, renewed website!

20190117 Nieuwe website ENG.pngMonday 21 January 2019 In recent months we have been working hard on a renewal of our website. Aim: to better align our face to the outside world with our identity. full story

Recap 2018

20181220 Kerstgroet2018nieuwsbericht.pngThursday 20 December 2018 We look back on a great year, including welcoming 12 new members in our network. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a successful 2019! full story

Digital must be on the Executive Board agenda now

20181213 voorzitters artikel Fotografie Eric Fecken & Roelof Pot.pngThursday 13 December 2018 CIO Magazine presented our new and old chairman with a number of digital developments and asked them to give their opinion. full story

In action for digital skills

20181207 Ondertekening brief Digitaal Onderwijs Challenge.jpgFriday 07 December 2018 On CIO Day more than 130 CIO's signed the letter to Minister Arie Slob. That makes a total of more than 150 signatures, of which 35 of our members! full story

Results Supplier Satisfaction Survey 2018 released

20181129 Supplier satisfaction survey.jpgThursday 29 November 2018 The results of the ‘EuroCIO Supplier Satisfaction Survey’ reveals a slowdown of cloud adoption and an increase of exit strategies and actions due to inflexible vendor licensing and pricing models. full story

Many opportunities for young data scientists

20181122 Data Science Meet and Greet nieuwsbericht.jpgThursday 22 November 2018 Yesterday, Utrecht University was the place where data science students were given a glimpse into the daily practice of data science of our members, who in return got the opportunity to present themselves to the talents of the future. full story

Data Science Carousel: Lots of "business value" with data!

20181106 Data Science Carrousel nieuws - ENG.jpgFriday 16 November 2018 During the meeting seven showcases were presented by three members of the CIO Platform Nederland: Nutreco, Royal FloraHolland and VIVAT. This last theme session of the year was prepared together with the data science team of Nutreco and their CIO Henry van de Ven. full story

Update Data Science Meet & Greet

20181031 2e nieuwsbericht Meet and Greet.jpgWednesday 14 November 2018 On Wednesday November 21st, 2018, we will organize the Data Science Meet & Greet. 13 Of our member organizations and 170 students will meet each other. full story

Dutch IT community active for digital education

20181107 Digitaal Onderwijs Challenge - ENG.jpgWednesday 07 November 2018 The business sector comes into action through the Digital Education Challenge. An initiative of CIO of the Year 2017 Bouke Hoving (KPN) and CharITy (ICT Media) together with FutureNL. We support this initiative as an association. Why? full story

Networking dinner Rijkswaterstaat

20181029 Terugblik Netwerkdiner Rijkswaterstaat.jpgMonday 29 October 2018 The third and last CIO Platform Nederland Networking dinner of 2018 took place on Wednesday October 24th at Rijkswaterstaat. According the central theme 'Value out of your data' our host CIO Perry van der Weyden introduced the CIO’s/CDO's that were present into the impressive digital transformation of Rijkswaterstaat. full story

Practical knowledge about cyber security in one publication

20181018 Publicatie cybersecurity waar begin je.jpgThursday 18 October 2018 For every entrepreneur who sometimes thinks 'maybe I should also do something about cyber security, but where do I start?' Download the publication now and use it to your own advantage. full story

Real life practice for a crisis situation

20181009 Vlog awareness oefening.jpgFriday 12 October 2018 View the vlog for a brief impression of the Cybersecurity Awareness exercise that we offer our members. full story

CISO's in the discussion panel at Kick-off Alert Online 2018

2019-10-05 Kick off alert online.jpgFriday 05 October 2018 Last Monday, October 1st, the Kick-off of Alert Online took place for its partners. 'The joint enhancement of cyber awareness' is the theme that Alert Online is all about. full story

News from EuroCIO

20180928 Afbeelding EU bijeenkomsten.pngThursday 04 October 2018 EuroCIO Supplier Satisfaction Survey reveals weak points in vendor relationships, and need for more balanced, innovative partnerships. full story

Good commissioning is done together!

20180911 TS Opdrachtgeverschap.jpgTuesday 18 September 2018 With participants from the constituencies of the CIO Platform Nederland and Nederland ICT, we discussed how we can take steps towards effective collaboration. With the aim to improve the relationship between customers and contractors in ICT and to achieve successful projects. full story

Making the Netherlands more safer online together

20180912 Alert Online acties oktober 2018.jpgWednesday 12 September 2018 October is the 'European Cyber Security Month'. During this month, the CIO Platform Nederland is also paying special attention to cyber security: Cyber security is the responsibility of all of us! full story

The CIO Platform Netherlands connects and strengthens!

20180910 Infographic nieuwsbericht afbeelding - ENG.jpgMonday 10 September 2018 To support this core activity, we are not standing still! Watch in a nutshell 'what's happened' in the first half of 2018. full story

Upcoming 2nd Data Science Meet & Greet

20180907 Nieuwsbericht aankondiging data science meet and greet.jpgFriday 07 September 2018 To bring the daily practice and education closer together, the CIO Platform Nederland organizes on Wednesday afternoon on November 21st for the 2nd time a Data Science Meet & Greet. The event for our members and data science students to meet each other. This time organized in close collaboration with Utrecht University. full story

CIO Platform Nederland welcomes 4 new members

20180813 aankondiging nieuwe leden.jpgTuesday 14 August 2018 The CIO Platform Nederland strengthens its network by welcoming 4 new members: Port of Amsterdam, vandeVelde, Royal Cosun and the House of Representatives. full story

IT Duties of Care - more topical than ever

20180702 IT Zorgplichten.jpgMonday 02 July 2018 On Thursday June 28th the CIO Platform Nederland and VNO-NCW organised a session about the IT Duties of Care for the second time. In this year 2018, we can say that the most pressing examples were related to the AVG implementation. full story

FD Transformers 2018

20180626 FD Transformers.jpgTuesday 26 June 2018 The Financieele Dagblad and Vlerick Business School published on June 22nd the second edition of FD Transformers. Six of our members are in the group of frontrunners of 2018. full story

CIO Platform Nederland has a new logo!

20180619 nieuwe logo.jpgMonday 18 June 2018 During the Annual Day Marcel Krom proudly presented the new logo of the CIO Platform Nederland. This logo symbolizes 2 bucket chairs facing each other, in which two persons have a conversation and exchange knowledge and information.  full story

Annual Day 2018 ‘Shape the future’

20180615 Jaardag header foto.pngSaturday 16 June 2018 ‘IT becomes digital’ is the main theme in the program during the Annual Day 2018 of the CIO Platform Nederland on Thursday June 14th. “Digital is a no-brainer”; was said by our new chaiman Arthur Govaert.  full story

New Chairman CIO Platform Nederland

20180613 Nieuwe voorzitter.jpgThursday 14 June 2018 From today Arthur Govaert (CIO Radboudumc) is the new chairman of the CIO Platform Nederland. Arthur successes Marcel Krom (CIO PostNL) who has fulfilled this role for four years and came to the end of his term. full story

Launch Digital Trust Center

20180607 lancering digital trust center.jpgThursday 07 June 2018 Today, Friday June 8th, has gone live. This is an important step in making companies more resistant to cyber crime. full story

Development risk model and cyber security quality label

20180606 Risicomodel en keurmerk Cybersecurity.jpgThursday 07 June 2018 The CIO Platform Nederland collaborates with the business and the government on a new risk model and a cyber security quality label, initiated by the Centre for Crime Prevention and Security (the CCV). full story

The countdown has begun

20180514 Jaardag 2018 intro.jpgMonday 14 May 2018 Only 1 month to go until our Annual Day 2018! On June 14th, CDO's, CIO's and IT professionals of our members will meet for this annual festive day, this time with the theme 'Shape the future'. full story

Recap Networking dinner National Police

20180424 NWD Politie.jpgMonday 14 May 2018 On Tuesday April 24th, we were welcomed at "De YP" as guests of Koos Veefkind, Head of Department ICT at the National Police. The enormous diversity of the police organization was presented this afternoon, where changes are continuously on the agenda. full story

Meet & Greet Networking event: the impact of data science  

Meet and Greet.verslag.1.jpgMonday 30 April 2018 On Wednesday April 25th the first data science Meet & Greet networking event took place. 13 members of the CIO Platform Nederland introduced more than 50 data science students in an original and creative way into the daily practice of data science within a large corporate. full story

GDPR compliant or in control?

2018-03-26 Nieuwsbericht GDPR.jpgTuesday 03 April 2018 “A very interesting and interactive session in which Aleid Wolfsen, chairman of the Dutch data protection authority, answered directly all questions. Great!” This was one of the reactions of one of the more than 30 participants of the Theme session about the Implementation of the GDPR. full story

‘The roadmap to digital transition’

2018-03-27 Nieuwsbericht Themasssie Digitale Transitie.jpgThursday 29 March 2018 Or: which steps were taken by BAM and Dura Vermeer towards digitalization and which impact did this have on IT? During the Theme session on Tuesday the 20th of March these questions were deepened. full story

SURF officially takes over the Elevator Game

20180214 Ondertekening overdracht Elevator Game.jpgThursday 15 February 2018 On the 13th of February the CIO Platform Nederland officially handed over the Elevator Game to SURF. Elevator is a game for the mobile telephone to improve the awareness for information security of your organization. The Elevator Game is offered by Cybersave Yourself to all institutions connected to SURF. full story

Networking dinner Wolters Kluwer, a digital company

20180214 Netwerkdiner Wolters Kluwer.jpgThursday 15 February 2018 Thursday the 8th of February the first Networking dinner of 2018 took place. More than 25 CIO’s and CxO’s were invited at Wolters Kluwer in Alphen aan den Rijn. Our hosts: Martin Wuite, Business Relationship Manager (BRM) Legal & Regulatory (CIO) and Harrie van Luxemburg, CIO Legal & Regulatory Europe. full story

Elevator Game transferred to SURF

20171130 Afscheidsymposium Elevatorgame.pngFriday 08 December 2017 After 2,5 year of intensive development, collaboration and playtime CIO Platform Nederland transferred the Elevator Game (developed by IJsfontein) to SURF. full story

Preservation and strengthening Dutch Cybersecurity Capacity

20171128 noodplan cyber security.pngTuesday 28 November 2017 We support the emergency plan for Dutch knowledge and cybersecurity! With this emergency plan, three professors are sounding the alarm bells about the stark contrast in financing cybersecurity education & research in the Netherlands relative to surrounding countries. full story

Sustainable employability asks for empowerment of IT employees

20171123 TS Employability.jpegMonday 27 November 2017 Digitalization calls upon the empowerment of IT employees, like flexibility, learning ability and readiness to develop. In this way they keep connected with their own and future IT-skills and the development within the organization. full story

Impression of CIODAY2017

20171122 Impressie CIO day.jpgWednesday 22 November 2017 Monday afternoon on the 20th of November 2017 the CIO’s of the CIO Platform Nederland and their colleagues from home and abroad gathered in the Beurs van Berlage. The theme of the preconference of CIODAY2017 is the same as the theme of the CIODAY itself: ‘The Big How’. full story

Smart contracts through blockchain technology

20171116 Smart contracts rapport blockchain.jpgThursday 16 November 2017 René Penning de Vries, Boegbeeld Team ICT, has received the report ‘Smart contracts as specific application of the blockchain technology’ this morning at the annual convention of ECP. full story

Networking dinner at Fokker Technologies

Netwerkdiner.Fokker.jpgMonday 13 November 2017 On Friday afternoon the 10th of November, the CO Platform Nederland organized the third Networking dinner of 2017. More than 20 CIO’s visited this event that was hosted by Henk Smit, CIO of Fokker Technologies. full story

Cloud is still a challenge

20171016 TS Cloud challenges.jpgMonday 16 October 2017 On October 12th, we organized an interesting themesession about Cloud Challenges, with attention for GDPR, a Cloud strategy and Cloud Management Portals. full story

The new cabinet underestimates the impact of digital transition on society

20171012 Regeerakkoord.jpgThursday 12 October 2017 What’s in store for those of us that are busy guiding their organization towards the reality of a new digital economy? That question is being answered by Ronald Verbeek, Director CIO Platform Nederland. full story

Enriching insights for Cyber Security in the chain

20171003 Zorgplichten sessie.jpgTuesday 03 October 2017 Yesterday, the session about Digital duty of care took place, which we have organized together with FME and VNO NCW. Reason for the session is the Guide for companies about digital duties of care, which is published by the Cyber Security Council. All three organizing parties have a representation in the Cyber Security Council, the advisory body of the Cabinet to bring cyber security to a strategic higher level in the Netherlands. full story

Successful first edition of the Data Science Meetup at ANWB

20170926 Meet up data science.jpegSunday 01 October 2017 ANWB, PostNL and LUMC organized a joint Data Science Meetup on the 28th of September at ANWB in The Hague. A broad topic with a lot of information and experience to share and talk about. full story

Attention for cybercrime in Annual Budget

20170921 Nieuwsbericht MiljoenennotaThursday 21 September 2017 Last Tuesday, the cabinet has shown the great importance of cyber security. That is why there is 26 million euro available for cyber security as of 2018. full story

Run IT as a business.....

20170920 IT4IT themasessie verslagje.jpgTuesday 19 September 2017 On September 14th we where guest at Mirjam Verhoeven, CIO at de Volksbank, to talk about the question: How do you organize the business of IT in a more and more digital company? full story

Front runners in the digital transition

Transformatie.nieuws.jpgThursday 13 July 2017 The Financieele Dagblad and Vlerick Business School have published Transformers 200. A ranking of large companies in the Netherlands being the front runners in the digital transition. The top 5 shows three members of CIO Platform Nederland full story

Bronze medal for Elevator Game at Serious Play Awards 2017

20170626 Elevator wint serious play award.pngMonday 26 June 2017 IJsfontein, a specialized company in developing serious games, proposed Elevator Game for the Serious Play Awards. The Award will be handed over during the Serious Play Conference, held in Virginia July 18-20. This conference is also known as one of the most important conferences concerning playful learning. Elevator Game won the Bronze medal and third place. IJfontein and we are very pleased with this award winning position. full story

Learning as a success factor

LerenendeOrg.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 16 June 2017 How to keep up our employees in this age of rapid IT-developments and digitalization? How to guarantee employability? What to expect from our employees and what is the employers’ responsibility? This theme session ‘The Learning Organization’ was initiated by CC Labour Market & Education to explore all kind of such issues. full story

Don’t think about change, do it!

Jaardag.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 02 June 2017 This was the statement of the Yearday 2017 of the CIO Platform Nederland. Changes are going so fast, you can better start/try/make mistakes/learn, instead of keep thinking about the ultimate plan. The Yearday was inspiring for the more than 100 participants and, partly by the use of Buzzmaster, very interactive. full story

Collaborate against Cybercrime

20170516 Nieuwsbericht BNR fragment cybercrime.jpgTuesday 16 May 2017 Today, our chairman Marcel Krom (CIO PostNL) was questioned on BNR Nieuwsradio on this subject, in the run-up to one of the largest international cybersecurity conferences: the One Conference on 16th and 17th May, 2017, in the World Forum The Hague. full story

Annual Day CIO Platform Nederland, June 1 2017

JaardagPromo.ENG.2017.jpgWednesday 10 May 2017 Don’t wait for change, let’s start! This theme was the inspiration for the program of our Annual Day 2017. We want to deliver a day which activates the willingness to implement actions straight away. full story

Royal Decoration for Foppe Vogd!

Foppe.ENG.2017.jpgTuesday 25 April 2017 Our honorary member Foppe Vogd was appointed as Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau by the willingness of Her Majesty The Queen of The Netherlands. The royal decoration was presented by Cees van der Knaap (Mayor of Ede). full story

Debate about the implementation of the privacy regulation

DebatPrivacy.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 14 April 2017 There is a lot to do about the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This was also noticed during our privacy debate, organised on Thursday April 13 2017 at the City of Utrecht. full story

Networking dinner Wehkamp, April 6 2017

NetwerkWehkamp.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 07 April 2017 On Thursday the 6th of April we were a guest at Wehkamp in Zwolle. Kees Jans showed us everything there is to know about Wehkamp. We visited the brand new Logistic Service Center and CEO Piet Coelewij and Kees told us all about the transition to a digital company. During the lovely dinner with multiple courses we had a Members meeting, in which Mirjam Verhoeven (CIO de Volksbank) was chosen as a new member of our board. full story

Every company has digital duties of care

DutiesofCar.ENG.2017.jpgWednesday 05 April 2017 Today a guide on this topic for businesses is being published from the Cyber Security Council to the cabinet. full story

Agenda for action National Blockchain Coalition

Blockchain.ENG.2017.jpgThursday 30 March 2017 Minister Kamp of Economic Affairs has received the Agenda for action from the National Blockchain Coalition today. The agenda is a jointly initiative of more than twenty organizations from logistics, energy and finance, as of knowledge parties and governments. With this agenda, the Netherlands will be a frontrunner internationally in the application of blockchain technology. full story

We make digital work!

WeMakeDigitalWork.ENG.2017.jpgWednesday 08 March 2017 As the association of the demand side of IT, we applaud the statements of Secretary General Maarten Camps (Ministry of Economic Affairs) of last Monday. Together we can make the difference. full story

Guest lecture "cyber security" 3rd class gymnasium

Gastles.ENG.2017.jpgTuesday 07 March 2017 In the context of the Cyber Estafette of the Geef IT Door campaign, Ronald Verbeek has given a guest lecture on February 17th at the Bonaventuracollege in Leiden. full story

CodePact: all children digital savvy

DigitalSavvy.ENG.2017.jpgMonday 06 March 2017 Partners and friends of CodePact are stepping up to give as many children and young adults as possible the needed digital skills. full story

Debate about Digitalization

DigDebat.ENG.2017.jpgWednesday 01 March 2017 In the context of the next elections entrepreneurs are debating on four themes. Teun van der Vorm (CIO ANWB) took part in the debate about the theme ‘digitalization’. full story

Concrete Cloud results from the EU

CloudResults.ENG.2017.jpgThursday 23 February 2017 On February 15th, the CIO Platform Nederland was attending the plenairy meeting of the European Commission Cloud Select Industry Group (C-SIG). full story

Networking dinner Sligro “a digital food experience”

SligroNetwerk.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 17 February 2017 On February 14th, the first networking dinner of 2017 was hosted by Sligro Food Group in Veghel. In the beautiful and inspiring “Inspirationlab ZiN” we were welcomed by Maurice van Veghel, CIO of Sligro Food Group. ZiN is specially shaped to enjoy culinary and realize valuable meetings! full story

Internet of Things: hype? mess? strategy!

IoT.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 10 February 2017 On Thursday February 9th, we organized an interesting themession on the topic of Internet of Things. In the hospitable B.Amsterdam building we have gathered a lot of inspiration with 30 members on the topic: “How connected are you?”. full story

IT professionals talk about their profession

LDV.ENG.2017.jpgThursday 09 February 2017 On Wednesday evening February 8th, 2017, the Leonardo College in Leiden organized “profession speed dates”. full story

Digitalization at PostNL

PostNL.ENG.2017.jpgMonday 06 February 2017 In the FD Morgen newspaper of February the 4th, 2017, an article from our chairman Marcel Krom was printed about digitalization at PostNL. full story

Eleven VIVAT employees started the Data Expert Program JADS

Vivat.ENG.2017.jpgFriday 03 February 2017 Eleven employees of VIVAT started on Friday the 27th of January with the Data Expert Program at the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) gestart. full story

ICT-impuls will create 120.000 extra jobs untill 2020

ICT-impuls.ENG.jpgFriday 03 February 2017 The discussion about robotization is hot right now. Including the dark side of this issue: ‘technological unemployment’. This statement is made by John Maynard Keynes and represent the loss of jobs by technology changes. full story

Experts make students aware of online security

GeefITdoor.ENG.jpgThursday 19 January 2017 Secretary of State Mr. Dijkhoff (Ministry of Security and Justice) kicked-off the ‘Cyber Estafette’ on schools. full story

Multifaceted security cooperation

20160318 Nieuwsbericht Multifaceted security cooperation.jpgFriday 18 March 2016 Join the Manifesto?! Cooperation is key to keeping your digital and connected systems and services secure. Cooperation within your supply chain, with your security service provider, public-private cooperation, etc. In the Netherlands this comes (almost) naturally, although there is certainly room for improvement full story

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure/Responsible Disclosure available!

20160307 Nieuwsbericht Coordinated Vulnerability DisclosureResponsible Disclosure available.jpgMonday 07 March 2016 Collaboration between hackers and researchers?! Trust, security and cooperation are key elements for any organization. The relationship between the organization and its customers, suppliers and other stakeholders depend on it. In the rapidly developing and technology driven world we live in, the customer expects easily available services anytime and anywhere, which provides complex challenges. full story

Risks of Cybercrime

2015-04-22 Nieuwsbericht BNR fragment risico's cybercriminaliteitWednesday 22 April 2015 This morning our director Ronald Verbeek responded to BNR Nieuwsradio about the risks of Cybercrime. full story