CIO Platform Nederland welcomes 4 new members
CIO Platform Nederland welcomes 4 new members

The CIO Platform Nederland strengthens its network by welcoming 4 new members: Port of Amsterdam, vandeVelde, Royal Cosun and the House of Representatives.
Recently Port of Amsterdam (logistics, CIO Arjan Kampman), VandeVelde (retail, CIO Fred Peters), Royal Cosun (farming, CIO Ron van Gool) and the House of Representatives = Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal (politics, CIO Jan Willem Duijzer) joined the network of the CIO Platform Nederland.
Within the Port of Amsterdam there is a constant drive for renewal of the infrastructure within its own harbour authority. In addition, the Port of Amsterdam is the driving force of renewal and innovation within the Amsterdam Harbour community while using disruptive technologies. This is done in close cooperation with many different stakeholders including terminals, agents, shipping companies, local residents, towing/piloting services etc. Port of Amsterdam is responsible for a territory which covers about 1900 ha and a water surface of 600 ha. It offers space for 66,000 jobs and has a total contribution of approximately 7 to 8 billion added value GDP.
The mission of VandeVelde is to strengthen the self-image of women thanks to fashionable lingerie and service in the shop or better said 'Shaping the bodies and minds of women'. The focus is on building strong complementary brands in the top segment (PrimaDonna, Marie Jo and Adres Sarda). With these brands, VandeVelde wants to offer every woman the best fit and fashionable appearance for themselves in the segment of luxury lingerie. With an international programme, VandeVelde wants to offer the best possible service to every consumer together with certified lingerie stores. For this the organization works with intensive training modules. VandeVelde collaborates with 5,000 lingerie retailers worldwide and have their own retail chain that focuses on lingerie styling. In order to realise this, several new projects have been launched, the necessary new employees have been recruited and they invested in the skills of the employees. The new projects are situated in four key areas, in particular Supply Chain, Brands & Channels, Business Processes & ICT and Leadership.
Royal Cosun is an agro-industrial group (cooperation) and is firmly rooted in the primary sector. The companies belonging to Cosun are Aviko, Duynie, Sensus, Suiker Unie, SVZ and Cosun biobased Products. They make ingredients and products for nutrition that find their way to the food industry, food service and retail. And increasingly also components for non-food applications. Royal Cosun wants to use the raw material as much as possible; on the one hand Consun believes this is good for the environment, its yield and its response to the societal need for responsible products and production methods. All the Consun companies also supply products to the animal feed sector and waste products are being used for biogas production. Royal Cosun has its own innovation centre with 80 employees where product innovation takes place supported from IT by using data analysis. On the one hand, farmers provide a lot of data via the Agriplatform and Cosun has a lot of (breeding)data available. With regard to the deployment of new technologies, the focus is also more and more on the Internet of Things.
We also welcome the renewed membership of the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal).The House of Representatives runs on information flows. Information from the society to the politics and from the politics back to the society. New communication technologies play an important role in this development. In addition, providing the right digital (audiovisual) services and further automation of work processes is becoming increasingly important.
With these 4 new members from various sectors, we further strengthened our network.
If you as a CIO/CDO are also interested to participate in our network, please contact us. Read more about the admission criteria and if you are curious which organisations also participate within the CIO Platform Nederland, you will find them all in this overview.
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