

CIO Platform Nederland has placed available knowledge in the form of news items, reports, research reports, presentations and other documents in the News & Knowledge Base for members. Log in for full access or register (if you are a member of your organization) at CIO Platform Nederland.

  1. September 13, 2024

    CIO associations and Draghi gave the assist, Commission now set to score

    Earlier this week, Mario Draghi released his report “The future of European competitiveness”. This is seen as an important contribution to the discussion on the future of European competitiveness. A good time to see to what extent this corresponds to the Manifesto that CIO Platform Nederland published earlier this year with sister associations from Belgium (Beltug), France (Cigref) and Germany (Voice e.V.): “A Perspective on tomorrow's digital world”.

    2024-09-13 CIO-verenigingen en Draghi gaven de assist Blog Martijn
  2. September 5, 2024

    Transforming Dairy with Data: Inside FrieslandCampina’s Tech-Driven Revolution

    In an exclusive conversation, Burce Gültekin, Global Chief Information Officer of FrieslandCampina, discusses how the company harnesses technology to deliver on its promise of sustainable nutrition. Learn how the newly launched technology innovation centre in Malaysia is at the heart of this transformation, driving both global impact and local innovation.

    2024-09-05 Zuivel transformeren met data Friesland Campina
  3. September 5, 2024

    Handy tool to check your own (safety) standards

    Internet developments are progressing rapidly. To remain accessible and as safe as possible, it is useful to regularly check whether your own environment is still up-to-date in terms of the usage of standards. offers a simple tool to check this.

    2024-09-05 Wat is
  4. September 5, 2024

    What is changing in the supply chain of NIS2 companies? We need your opinion!

    The NIS2 rules will also have an indirect impact on companies that provide digital services to NIS2 companies. What do you know about this as a supplier? What information do you need to prepare?

    2023-10-19 | NB | Bepaal of jouw organisatie onder NIS2-regelgeving valt
  5. July 22, 2024

    Making a difference: Essents role in the refugee talent Hub

    At Essent our commitment to inclusivity goes beyond our internal culture—it extends into the wider community through initiatives like the Refugee Talent Hub.

    2024-07-22 Het verschil maken- Essents rol in de hub voor vluchtelingen talent
  6. July 19, 2024

    Kick off session CxOs in the Maritime Sector | Data in the Port Ecosystem

    Knowledge sharing on digitization topics relevant to the maritime sector. Meetings are organized by/in cooperation with CIO Platform Netherlands and are open to organizations wishing to share knowledge on substantive issues. CIO Platform Netherlands reserves the right to deny access to meetings.

    2024-09-30   Maritieme sector meeting
  7. July 8, 2024

    Annual Day 2024 - Aftermovie

    A record number of CIO Platform Nederland members gathered on June 6th to celebrate our community's valuable and sociable Annual Day together under the banner 'Elevate your Digital Transformation'. Watch the aftermovie here.

    2024-07-09  Jaardag aftemovie
  8. June 24, 2024

    Research on labour market shortages, help us reach 100 and help yourself!

    The shortage of qualified ICT talent is a brake on growth for many organisations. Together with other organisations, we are committed to tackling this challenge. We would like to ask for the help of our members by filling out a survey.

    2024-04-17 Human Capital Agenda ICT .jpg
  9. June 21, 2024

    Blog: ProRail sponsors the next generation of IT professionals

    I solved the mini Rubik's Cube again in no time and the maze key rings were quickly busted, but the Beta Olympiad, on the other hand, is unbreakable in my memory. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Nod if warm memories spring to mind now too.

    2024-06-24  Blog Evy Kalker
  10. June 20, 2024

    Human Capital ICT meeting 'Digitalization in practice'

    Tuesday June 18th was the meeting “Digitalization in practice” in the former Koepel prison in Haarlem. The Ministry of Economic Affairs aims to provide 1 million ICT workers in 2030.

    2024-06-20 NB HCA
  11. June 10, 2024

    Important work by Claudia de Andrade-de Wit in the Cyber Security Council

    Entrepreneurs have a lot on their minds. Digital security is 1 part of this. On the fifth of June, Theo Henrar, co-chair of the Cyber Security Council together with council member Claudia de Andrade-de Wit, offered the advice to strengthen the cyber resilience of SMEs to Micky Andriaansens, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

    2024-06-10  Belangrijk werk van Claudia de Andrade-de Wit
  12. June 7, 2024

    CIO platform welcomes new employee

    Marijke Salters joined our association as a digital transformation advisor on June 1st 2024.

    2024-06-01 Welcome Marijke
  13. May 31, 2024

    Blog: Hope, courage and pride!

    Despite progress made in recognising social injustice, we are not there yet and there is a role and responsibility for public leaders to take up. Pick it up with courage and realise hope and pride!

    2023-09-15 Inclusive Leadership
  14. May 24, 2024

    Future EU policy in line with CIO associations' manifesto

    On 21 May, the European Council, which brings together the Member States, adopted so-called Council conclusions on the direction of digital policy in the coming years. These set out the course that the next European Commission (which will be formed after the European elections in June) will shape and implement.

    2024-02-21  Manifesto A perspective on tomorrow's digital world
  15. May 2, 2024

    Strategic and sustainable preparation & Promote strategic research - European elections

    Leading up to the European elections, we shared the following two viewpoints alongside our sister organizations:

    2024-05-02 | Strategische en duurzame voorbereiding & Bevorder strategisch onderzoek
  16. April 26, 2024

    C-Level event Sustainable Digital Decision Makers - NCDD

    The Nationale Coalitie Duurzame Digitalisering (NCDD) invites CIOs to the high-level meeting 'Sustainable Digital Decision-makers', for executive leaders. The meeting is on Thursday May 16 at VNO-NCW. 

    2024-06-16 Event Digitaal Duurzame Beslissers