Networking dinner Rijkswaterstaat
Networking dinner Rijkswaterstaat

The third and last CIO Platform Nederland Networking dinner of 2018 took place on Wednesday October 24th at Rijkswaterstaat. According the central theme 'Value out of your data' our host CIO Perry van der Weyden introduced the CIO’s/CDO's that were present into the impressive digital transformation of Rijkswaterstaat.
As brand new chairman, Arthur Govaert took the floor first and was very happy to welcome everybody. This time with a number of new faces, including that of Jobbe van Nuenen, the CIO of Amphia Hospital. Extra attention went to Karel van Lambalgen, who has transferred his role as CIO and is going to focus on his upcoming retirement.
‘Value out of your data’
Norbert Derickx put the participants to work. In preparation for the discussion tables later in the program, the attendees were asked to rank themselves within a Data Maturity model and to share at least one success & challenge in the field of data sharing. This was the input to further shape the theme of the day 'Value out of your data'.
During the regular part of the program ‘members information', Ronald Verbeek referred to the appointment of six new members since the previous Networking dinner: Port of Amsterdam, Royal Cosun, Van de Velde, The House of Representatives of the States General, NIBC Bank and Amphia Hospital. Attention was also asked for CIODAY2018, in which the CIO Platform Nederland is involved as a content partner.
One of the members shared during the meeting; "An important reason for me to be a member of the CIO Platform Nederland is the unique opportunity to take a look inside the digital agenda of another company of equal size during a Networking dinner ."
Artificial Intelligence & Digital Twins
The members of the CIO Platform Nederland define all topics and themes of the meetings and activities. Marcel Krom, CIO of PostNL and member of the CC Digitalization, gave a first assist to shape future (Network) meetings on the three levels: strategic, organizational and technological. After all, “It is the ambition of a CIO to take the direction of digitization”, was said by Marcel Krom. Based on the Top 10 Technology trends of Gartner, the members addressed the subjects Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins for specific focus in the coming year.
I-Vision and I-Strategy Rijkswaterstaat
The substantive part of the varied program started with a presentation by Perry van der Weyden, CIO of Rijkswaterstaat (Directorate General for Public Works and Water Management). Since his appointment at Rijkswaterstaat 4 years ago, a lot has been realised. From the start, Perry started by creating the I-Vision and I-Strategy. With a focus on standardization and unification. This is done, for example, by setting up a base system for cameras in bridges and tunnels. Previously, each object had its own unique soft- and hardware that was a major management challenge for the coordinating organization.
Smart Mobility
Rijkswaterstaat Department is able to take on various developments and trends including: data, sensoring, IA building blocks, cyber security and smart mobility. Within smart mobility Rijkswaterstaat is now experimenting with various new technologies that replace costly and maintenance intensive systems. For example, the system that registers Floating Car Data and activates the matrix signs in time to regulate traffic. Together with optical fiber technology, which works in places where the floating Car Data doesn’t work, they can still determine when a traffic jam occurs. These new technologies gradually replace the traditional copper loops in the road surface. This works faster, more accurate and is also cheaper.
Security Operations Center
In response to the threat associated with new online technologies, a Security Operations Centre (SOC) has been set up. Hendrik Harm Zuid, Lead Security Operations of Rijkswaterstaat, shared all details about the establishment, organization and the working method of the escalation schedule with incidents within the SOC. For example, the SOC is made from two components: prevention (security by design) and monitoring (security operations centre). The SOC is responsible for monitoring, detection and isolation of cyber security incidents. This is in cooperation with the already existing monitoring system for the infrastructures for which Rijkswaterstaat is responsible, 24x7. It also collaborates with external stakeholders in the area of cyber security and crisis management, for example with the Water Authorities. This results in a nice cross-fertilisation where it is all about exchanging knowledge and using each other's systems.
The future of data is sharing it
After these inspiring presentations, the attendees attended a demo about how the Datalab of Rijkswaterstaat works. The Datalab features modern tools for data intelligence and analytics. More than 1.000 official datasets are be available by open data, see Rijkswaterstaat believes in the power of data sharing. The data available and derived from a.o.t. sensors give insights that were previously unthinkable and provide advantages in both the daily operation and the users. In the exclusive Datalab the workplaces for the data scientists are situated and also the experience-room, in which employees of Rijkswaterstaat are facilitated to orientate to sign up for a new project.
Discussion tables "Value out of your data"
After the demo of the Datalab it was time for the interaction part between CIO's/CDO's. At four discussion tables, the results of the Data maturity ranking, successes and challenges were discussed. CIO's/CDO's were able to learn from each other and gained interesting new insights. Key learning points from the discussions were:
- Start by unifying your data.
- Appoint/start with the business case.
- Start small and show what it does; demonstrate the added value.
- Program at multiple speeds. While both the slow-starter and the front-runners are served.
- Sensors deliver stable quality data.
In addition to these learning points, the necessary topics were also presented for inspiring thematic sessions within the CIO Platform Nederland. At the end of the day, during the buffet, a lot of networking was done on the 'data network' while enjoying an Indian rice table and a drink. We already look forward to the next Networking dinner in 2019 at Mammoet!
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