Internet of Things: hype? mess? strategy!
Internet of Things: hype? mess? strategy!

On Thursday February 9th, we organized an interesting themession on the topic of Internet of Things. In the hospitable B.Amsterdam building we have gathered a lot of inspiration with 30 members on the topic: “How connected are you?”.
Prof.dr. Paul J.M. Havinga and dr. Nirvana Meratnia (University of Twente) have led us from the roots of IoT – in the nineties “Smart Dust” was already included in the overview of technological applications – till the contemporary developments, which in particular give a lot of insights through personal devices. The added value lies in predictive maintenance, which got a lot of recognition of the attending members. The possibilities are endless, but we have to be aware of the leaks of security in the technology and the consequences of these leaks.
On the last topic, Prof.dr. Michel J.G. van Eeten (TU Delft) continued. We must be aware of the “attack of the toasters”. He said it with a wink, but nonetheless, it is something to reckon with when using IoT. Multiple recent examples of large DDos attacks through IoT-devices show us it is a very real scenario. In one of his researches, Van Eeten focuses on increasing the transparency of the security of devices, by monitoring and controlling a diversity of IoT-applications. The results do not prevaricate: it is very clear some category of devices are misused more often than others. Examples are routers, IP cameras and Digital Video Recorders (DVR). Closing his speech, Van Eeten gave the attendees seven guides to help make the IoT Governance strategy in our companies more safe. An eight guide came from the audience: arranging of the internet police, who secure the safety on the internet. About this last guide, not all attendees were equally enthusiastic.
After the break, two great practical cases of members of the CIO Platform Nederland were illustrated. It became very obvious how close by the connected world already is! Tjeerd Tuitel (director of MINDMobility, a startup company within Pon) shared his journey within the Pon Holding with the connected car app. The pitfalls and challenges he has experienced to make the data available and to change it into relevant information for customers, dealers and lease companies. Andreas Knobloch (Philips Lighting) showed, by using very speaking examples, that new business models are arising and the roles of suppliers and customers are turned around. Because of this, it has become necessary to work in confidence with each other in a chain that offers endless possibilities.
Interesting aspect is the fact that both innovations originated outside the existing IT organizations (processes and architecture). Pon has consciously chosen to set up MINDMobility as a different company, to also serve other car brands, who are not in the portfolio of Pon.
Some reactions from the audience:
“A qualitatively high session with a great balance between repetition and new insights!!"
"Fascinating presentations and great to see the energy and passion in the stories of MIND/Pon and Philips Lighting!"
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