A look into the agile kitchen during the Planning two-day event of Avans University of Applied Sciences
A look into the agile kitchen during the Planning two-day event of Avans University of Applied Sciences

On March 7, the Expert Groups (CEG) Agile and CEG Portfolio management were guests at Avans in Den Bosch for a look behind the agile kitchen. What a beautiful day with new insights and inspiration!
From CIO Gerdinand Bosch, Agile Coach and PI organizer Sabina Renshof and their colleagues they heard and saw how Avans (with education in 21 academies) organizes its Planning Two Days. How do they outline their priorities, do the teams make their concept plans and do a management review with the takeholders? We have experienced how the teams in the IV organization - agile - work on improving the information provision of Avans and plan their work for the coming educational period.
“Wil je sneller vooruit, dan bereik je niets door je medewerkers harder te laten werken, of meer geld uit te geven. Bedenk in plaats daarvan hoe je intelligenter kunt werken.” - Winfried de Valk, Directeur Productiehuis bij Logius
Especially for the guests present, Winfried de Valk, Director Production House at Logius, part of the national government, talked about their transformation. Logius works daily on a digital government that works for everyone, with systems such as DigiD.
Read more about the great day in the article by Rik van Heesch, editor BijAvans (in Dutch)
Listen to the radio broadcast of Ambition radio (Avans radio in Dutch) with contribution from Gerdinand, and members Mabelle Schreurs (DNB) and Patrick Spierings (Van Oord)
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