Many opportunities for young data scientists

Many opportunities for young data scientists

20181122 Data Science Meet and Greet nieuwsbericht.jpgThursday 22 November 2018

Yesterday, Utrecht University was the place where data science students were given a glimpse into the daily practice of data science of our members, who in return got the opportunity to present themselves to the talents of the future.

For the second time this year the CIO Platform Nederland organized a Data Science Meet & Greet. Data scientists of 13 large organisations pitched in 10 minutes the daily practice of a data scientist within their organisation. During the break and at the end of the event, students were given the opportunity to talk to these organizations on the Meet & Greet floor on a personal basis. 

ANWB, CZ, Municipality of Rotterdam, Heineken, Leaseplan, Dutch Railways, Philips, Pon, ProRail, RET, Stedin, Utrecht University and VIVAT presented themselves in a fantastic way to almost 100 enthusiastic students from all universities in the Netherlands. A unique setting that shows the binding force of the CIO Platform Nederland. 

Daily practice 
Once seated in the for students familiar college room, Norbert Derickx of the CIO Platform Nederland opened this unique event. Then host Carolien Besselink, CIO of Utrecht University, showed the importance of data for her organization, followed by the start of the first pitches. In a short notice, the enthusiastic data scientists of the 13 major organizations took the students into daily practice. Fascinating practical data science cases and explanations of (Agile) working methods gave a good overview with sufficient depth and reason for interaction during the Meet & Greet in the break and afterwards. Quote from one of the students: "Wow, the companies really showed practical insights, not a general promotion story. This is what we want to see and hear as students!" 

Show added value
This afternoon it became clear that data science has an important role to play in the management of a company and that it can be of great impact. The law of the large numbers proves its strength. Countless data sets are available within a number of organizations. An ultimate dream of every data scientist, who, together with the business, can determine where to start. By working according to the Design Thinking methodology, it is possible to work quickly towards a Minimum Viable Product that must prove its value. 

Room for development 
The pitches often showed that the work of a data scientist is more than just working with data. The teams in which a data scientist is employed consist of several disciplines and communicates intensively with the business. This appeals to the versatility of skills of young data scientists. The organizations are aware that the student is eager to experiences a continuous challenge. Once working within an organization there is plenty of room for knowledge development and creating the job. 

Own initiative 
Notable this afternoon was that the students were challenged to come up with input and creative proposals on how data science can be of an added value for organizations. The diversity of data and possibilities is so large that a fresh look of significance is to make a real impact. Many opportunities for students during and after their graduation. One thing is very clear, working as a data scientist at the participating companies is cool!  

Announcement 3rd Data Science Meet & Greet
We look back at a very successful Meet & Greet and are already looking forward to the next edition. The 3rd Meet & Greet is scheduled on Wednesday April 10th 2019, this time we are a guest at A.S.R. Verzekeringen in Utrecht. Again, we want to give 12 organizations the opportunity to present themselves to data science students. 

Registration for the 3th Meet & Greet is open until the 7th of April

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