Annual Day 2018 ‘Shape the future’
Annual Day 2018 ‘Shape the future’

‘IT becomes digital’ is the main theme in the program during the Annual Day 2018 of the CIO Platform Nederland on Thursday June 14th. “Digital is a no-brainer”; was said by our new chaiman Arthur Govaert.
The headline 'Shape the Future' and the versatile program of the Annual Day 2018 was appealing for many persons. Over 100 members and participants of the CIO Platform Nederland travelled to Vianen last Thursday, June 14th. The programme offered various forms of inspiration, with a plenary part and two workshop rounds. The aim was to get started the next day with an individual experiment within the own company, that contributes to shape the digital transformation, but that just a little different than usually.
View the impression video of this afternoon:
The afternoon started with a word of welcome by Ronald Verbeek, director of the CIO Platform Nederland. With a warm welcome to the members, our honorary member Foppe Vogd and a number of external parties from the ecosystem of the association.
Formerly IT, now digital
Marcel Krom (CIO PostNL) was the next speaker, this time for the last time being the chairman of the Board of the CIO Platform Nederland. Marcel talked about the changing world that we used to call IT and has now become 'digital' by all innovations. The role of the CIO is also subject to change, it is more and more about advising on the movements we perceive and trust. The style of managing and controlling changes. Digital is about cooperation in the chain, about autonomously functionating teams and new business models. We want to go from 'profit', to 'give more meaning'.
To underline this important transition phase towards digital transformation for the CIO and their professionals, Marcel reveals the new logo of the CIO Platform Nederland. A new logo that symbolizes a new phase of the association. A phase with more focus on facilitating knowledge exchange and supporting the changing role of the CIO. The logo represents two seats with the CIO/CDO (the D-shape of ‘Digital’ comes back in the logo) or other members having a conversation with each other. The design is based on two blue colours, accompanied with a warm orange colour.
Next on the program is the farewell of the board members Karel Van Lambalgen (CIO LUMC) and Caecilia Groot (CIO GVB). Karel looks back; "I am proud of the cross-pollination that is continuously taking place within the association". and also Caecilia agrees; "The strength of the CIO Platform Nederland is that we can easily find and approach each other".
Digital is a no-brainer
The last official moment is filled by the transfer of the chairman of the Board. After a period of four years, Marcel Krom hands over the role of chairman to Arthur Govaert (CIO Radboudumc). Marcel shares in his farewell speech that he has enjoyed the fusion of IT with digital and of learning from each other. Marcel received energy from the conversations with other CIOs, the Board and the Bureau. No it's time for a new energy, a new vibe.
Arthur successes the chairmanship with the words that digital is a no-brainer for him. For example, the word ICT is no longer used within its organization. Arthur will work to further strengthen the CIO Platform Nederland as a digital compass within the digital transition that companies in the Netherlands are going through; 'We make digital work'!
Digital Transformation Wehkamp
The practical contribution this afternoon is completed by Kees Jans, CTO of Wehkamp. Kees gives a glimpse into the steps of Wehkamps Digital Transformation. A remarkable journey has taken the organization to name itself now 'the online department store for families'. A process of small steps and flexibility and to improve continuously. A key success factor is the appointment of the Transformation Team, a fully digitally oriented management team. Everyone is responsible for digital. Business and people principles are designed to make everyone an owner of the transformation. Also, transparency, a rolling forecast, fewer management layers, authenticity and 'stand-ups all over the place' are a number of important drivers to stay in constant motion. Kees's tip as a wrap up: "Always favour your own power as an organization and don't compare yourself too much with others!".
Corporate Rebels
As a closing part of the plenary part, the Corporate Rebels energized the audience literally and figuratively. After this lively energizer, Corporate Rebels Freek-Jan Ronner and Catelijne Bexkens shared their experiences and learnings from their journey along the most inspiring companies in the world. What was the main message? It doesn’t matter in which sector or in which country an organisation is located. There are inspiring organisations everywhere, and your organisation could be one of them too. 8 Important trends that they have observed during their journey:
- Purpose & values versus Profit
- Network of Teams versus Hierarchical Pyramid
- Supportive Leadership versus Directive Leadership
- Experiment & Adapt versus Plan & Predict
- Freedom & Trust versus Rules & Control
- Distributed Authority versus Centralized Authority
- Radical Transparancy versus Secrecy
- Talents & Mastery versus Job Descriptions
Experiment Canvas
Armed with information from various practical examples on how these principles are reflected in practice, it was then time to get started with the individual experiments. In two consecutive workshops the participants started to work with these trends. By exchanging experiences in small groups and with the help of short exercises, each participant has worked on it's own concrete experiment, which they could start the next day. Or in other words: 'Shape the Future'. A lot of interaction and the mutual inspiration about each other's experiments gave a lively atmosphere and new insights.
Finally and with a satisfied feeling everyone could network and enjoy a good buffet and a nice drink after the versatile and lively program.
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