Break-out session: In discussion with Oscar Kneppers
Break-out session: In discussion with Oscar Kneppers

As a follow up of his plenary presentation, there was now room for in depth discussion.
Various participants made use of this, with Oscar indicating to be open to answering questions, also offline. Most important learning for corporates who want to get something out of the energy, innovative ideas and desire for change of startups: initiate a startup liaison, someone or even a contact point on your website for startups who have good ideas for you.
To get your own organization moving, it helps to open doors and give people room to experience operations at other departments. Not just on an innovation morning, but for a longer period of time or a few weeks in a row . Consider the Google approach of 20% time for creativity.
Try not to bind innovation too much to frameworks relevant to your organization only. That hinders creativity and often you do not know upfront what may become interesting. Do not use consultants to set up such frameworks. They are often far from being creative and the consultancy costs make it even more difficult to achieve a positive result.
Link to his plenary presentation.
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