Welkom bij het CIO Platform Nederland! - page 198

The CIO Platform Nederland connects and strengthens!

CIO Platform Nederland is the association for the CIO/CDO, their peers and IT professionals of large users of digital technology in the Netherlands, the digital heart of society. Do you want to know why? Check this impression video of our association.  

Ons laatste nieuws

  1. September 21, 2017

    Attention for cybercrime in Annual Budget

    Last Tuesday, the cabinet has shown the great importance of cyber security. That is why there is 26 million euro available for cyber security as of 2018.

    20170921 Nieuwsbericht Miljoenennota

Upcoming events

  1. Networking Dinner | Arcadis | Bram Mommers Generative AI in a knowledge company and IT reporting

    November 27, 2024 in Amersfoort

    The networking dinners are exclusively accessible to CIO’s/CDO’s of member organizations. The program is compiled by the CIO/CDO where we are a guest and gives a glimpse into its IT organization, discussion tables and association topics are also part of the program. This program always ends with informal dinner. We are guests of Arcadis.

More events

Why join the CIO Platform Nederland?

  1. The association is completely independent from suppliers and external parties, this means no sales and acquisition. 
  2. Quick and easy access to a wide and versatile network.
  3. Exchanging practical knowledge and experience and inspiring each other.
  4. Advocacy on behalf of a strong collective towards government and suppliers.
  5. Access to more than 50 events per year for CIOs and internal employees of the member organizations. 
