Welkom bij het CIO Platform Nederland! - page 41

The CIO Platform Nederland connects and strengthens!

CIO Platform Nederland is the association for the CIO/CDO, their peers and IT professionals of large users of digital technology in the Netherlands, the digital heart of society. Do you want to know why? Check this impression video of our association.  

Ons laatste nieuws

  1. May 26, 2023

    Digital literacy is a crucial basic skill

    In a world where digital technology is becoming increasingly important, in almost all social, societal and economic processes, having sufficient knowledge to handle it properly is crucial. Being able to develop, maintain and deploy this technology properly and safely, understanding what it can be used for, and what it cannot be used for and how to do so efficiently, is necessary in this regard, also to avoid major problems. This is where the economic opportunities of the future lie.

    2023-06-01 | NB | Digitale vaardigheden wel of niet cruciaal in het onderwijs

Upcoming events

  1. Kick off session CxOs in the Maritime Sector

    September 30, 2024 in Rotterdam

    Knowledge sharing on digitization topics relevant to the maritime sector. Meetings are organized by/in cooperation with CIO Platform Netherlands and are open to organizations wishing to share knowledge on substantive issues. CIO Platform Netherlands reserves the right to deny access to meetings.

    Intended for CIOs and other digital leaders of organisations in the maritime sector, both members of CIO Platform Nederland and (as yet) non-members.

    Acquisition and other forms of promoting own products and services are not allowed and are grounds for expulsion. It is also not allowed to discuss commercial propositions or prices of products and services (including those of third parties).

More events

Why join the CIO Platform Nederland?

  1. The association is completely independent from suppliers and external parties, this means no sales and acquisition. 
  2. Quick and easy access to a wide and versatile network.
  3. Exchanging practical knowledge and experience and inspiring each other.
  4. Advocacy on behalf of a strong collective towards government and suppliers.
  5. Access to more than 50 events per year for CIOs and internal employees of the member organizations. 
