Information Security - page 2
With digital technology now penetrating into the core of our businesses, production processes and public institutions, it becomes increasingly important that the technology is secure and trustworthy and complies with legal and ethical standards. More security is necessary, especially since the technology is highly complex, changes quickly and its risks are at the expense of the user. That is why confidence in technological expertise, compliance with agreements, standards and laws, and the focus on your interest of the supplier or implementation partner, is good but not always sufficient.
It is time for a next step towards:
- Ensuring compliance of digital technology with laws and regulation (i.a. GDPR) and providing assurance that products/services/processes do what they are suppose to (and nothing more). We will aim for more standardisation and certification, both in the Netherlands via initiatives at he Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety and the Online Trust Coalition, and in Europe via the European Commission.
- Sharing information about cyber vulnerabilities and incidents between government and businesses, and among businesses. Some important steps have been taken towards a ‘National covered system’, but there is more to be done. Securely sharing information between NCSC, DTC and other certs, and with cybersecurity partnerships, has to improve soon. Information that can help businesses guard themselves against concrete forms of ill intentions and damage cannot only reside at the government. Additionally, business should have the possibility to share information about incidents and threats that they experience themselves with others, so that they can be better prepared.
- Besides secure products and services, and information about current threats and vulnerabilities, it is also vital to practice how to act during an incident, including a situation in which some employees are working from home and others from the office. Therefore, we will once again draw attention to our exercise scenario and update it where necessary.
The new digital world offers many opportunities. This also increases dependence and vulnerability. By working together and sharing information and knowledge, we are all getting better and safer and we are creating new opportunities for these threats. We are working on this, both within the CIO Platform Nederland, and with the government and other parties outside.
October 2, 2023
Blog: Cybersecurity month October: Keep your colleagues alert
For several years now, October has been cybersecurity month. Bring the topic to the attention of your colleagues too; cybersecurity concerns us all!
August 24, 2023
Blog: Demonstrating Ransomware resistance SaaS applications raises question marks
Several members of the CIO Platform Netherlands face the challenge of making their SaaS applications demonstrably resilient against Ransomware attacks. A working group of CIO Platform Nederland has been looking into this issue in recent months.
June 22, 2022
Urgent call to European Commission European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services
CIO Platform Nederland calls on the European Commission not to adopt the EUCS until the consequences for business users in industry and government in Europe have been thoroughly investigated, a consultation of stakeholders has taken place and the responsible political bodies have weighed up the digital autonomy, costs and benefits of a decision.
July 14, 2021
Reaction CIO Platform Nederland to legislative proposal to enable sharing of cybersecurity informati
The State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Change recently submitted the bill on promoting digital resilience in companies for consultation.
Information Security events
CEG Information Security | Online
CEG Information Security shares knowledge and experiences on topics like: cyber crime, privacy, creating awareness and what to do with dataleaks.
13 Feb -
CxO/CISO Theme session: 'So you thought you were already there with cybersecurity?' | Vitens Soestduinen Soest
Every year, the CIO Committee Information Security organises a valuable signature event for CIO/CDOs/CTO, CISOs and members of boards of directors/supervisory boards around the topic of cybersecurity.
25 Mar