Vendor Relations Code of Conduct

Vendor Relations Code of Conduct

February 3, 2016

A code of conduct for a balanced relationship between customer and supplier!

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Unfortunately, within the CIO Platform Nederland, we still hear too often that there is an unbalanced relationship between ICT client and ICT supplier. The attitude of the ICT supplier is often perceived as dominant and in some cases as monopolistic, which often results in unilateral terms and conditions in favour of the ICT supplier.

It is a fact that ICT is becoming increasingly important for social and economic developments, and this underlines once again the importance of a balanced and mature relationship between the supply and demand sides of the ICT market. The CIO Platform Nederland is convinced that this is also possible, provided that the rules of conduct are clear to both parties.

With the publication of a Code of Conduct, the CIO Platform Nederland wants to offer ICT clients and ICT suppliers a helping hand with the aim of agreeing on manners and creating a more balanced, reciprocal relationship. The CIO Platform Nederland is convinced that this can only be achieved by recognizing the mutual interests, improving mutual trust and arriving at a good interpretation of the customer's needs for a reasonable and transparent fee.

In consultation with other national CIO associations (connected through EuroCIO), we are still working on a European-supported version of the Code of Conduct in order to also get the attention of large international suppliers.

The Code of Conduct of the CIO Platform Nederland is available to everyone in both Dutch and English:

Publicatie Vendor Relations: Gedragscode: voor een evenwichtige relatie (februari 2016)
Publicatie Vendor Relations: Code of Conduct: for an equal relationship (ENG) (februari 2016)

If you have any questions, please contact us via

Good luck with the relationship!
