Annual Day CIO Platform Nederland, June 1 2017

Annual Day CIO Platform Nederland, June 1 2017

May 10, 2017

Don’t wait for change, let’s start! This theme was the inspiration for the program of our Annual Day 2017. We want to deliver a day which activates the willingness to implement actions straight away.


What to expect during the Annual Day?

There are key notes from: Martijn AslanderMenno Lanting , Karin Zwiggelaar & Antoon van Luxemburg. They will tell us more about the changing world of digitization. Our Annual Day 2017 will give you answers and inspiration how to challenge all new possibilities and opportunities. Do we stick to the old procedures or will we follow the transformation? But how to change from 2.0 to 3.0? It’s not only about the organization itself, also the people who work there. And how to position ourselves? Which choices do we need to make to keep up with the developments. How do we see ourselves in about 5 years time? 

With the assistance of the tool Buzzmaster we will translate the content of the presentations to our daily practise during interactive sessions. The Annual Day will take place at the ‘De Horst’ estate near Utrecht. 

Do you want to attend our Annual Day?

CIO Platform Nederland is the independent association for the demand side of the IT market. Therefore this event isn’t accessible for the supply side of the IT market, like hard- and software suppliers and IT consultancy firms. You can attend the annual day if you are:

  • CIO’s, CDO’s, CTO, CMO’s etc and employees of organizations which are a member of CIO Platform Nederland.
  • CIO’s, CDO’s, CTO’s, CMO’s and IT / HR professionals  working at medium and large sized companies on the demand side of the IT market which are not a member of CIO Platform Nederland.

The Annual day already took place, you can’t register for the event any more.
