The countdown has begun

The countdown has begun

May 14, 2018

Only 1 month to go until our Annual Day 2018! On June 14th, CDO's, CIO's and IT professionals of our members will meet for this annual festive day, this time with the theme 'Shape the future'.

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We have put together an inspiring program for our members, which will inspire them to work differently the day after the Annual Day, to strenghten the transformation to an organization 3.0.

Participants of the Annual Day will learn from the practical experiences of the necessary digital transition of Wehkamp and learn more about the eight trends that distinguish successful organizations from the rest that the Corporate Rebels discovered during their world trip. Finally, all participants take action themselves during two workshops, in which they will set up an experiment for themselves!

Finally, there is even more reason for a party on June 14th, because on this day the formal transfer of chairman will take place. Our current chairman Marcel Krom (CIO PostNL) will hand over the baton to Arthur Govaert (CIO Radboudumc). A period of four great years under the management of Marcel will be closed and we look ahead to the coming years in which Arthur will be at the helm.

Do you want to participate on 14 June?
The condition is that you are an employee of one of our members. Send an e-mail to and we will help you further.
