FD Transformers 2018

FD Transformers 2018

June 26, 2018

The Financieele Dagblad and Vlerick Business School published on June 22nd the second edition of FD Transformers. Six of our members are in the group of frontrunners of 2018.

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FD Transformers is a study of digital transformation among the 200 largest Dutch companies. The result can be read in the special magazine 'FD Transformers 2018'

Leading group digital readiness and digitization
In a contrary to last year, the companies in the research are ranked and grouped in clusters of 'digital readiness'. In the group of frontrunners are the ten companies that put their utmost effort in their digitization. These companies are too close to each other to be able to create a ranking. Six of our members are in the leading group of 2018: ABN AMRO, ING, Randstad, Royal HaskoningDHV, Royal Vopak and Wolters Kluwer

'Never say again: but we already do that'
New in 2018 is a special board of Advisors, the Expert Circle. They have helped both the FD editors and the Vlerick research team in the interpretation of the research results. On behalf of the CIO Platform Nederland, Caecilla Groot and Ronald Verbeek were members of this Expert Circle. Both also have provided input for an article in 'FD Transformers 2018' magazine about pitfalls and tips when it comes to digital transformation in large companies: 'Never say again: but we already do that' (Dutch).
