Upcoming 2nd Data Science Meet & Greet

Upcoming 2nd Data Science Meet & Greet

September 7, 2018

To bring the daily practice and education closer together, the CIO Platform Nederland organizes on Wednesday afternoon on November 21st for the 2nd time a Data Science Meet & Greet. The event for our members and data science students to meet each other. This time organized in close collaboration with Utrecht University.

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Earlier this year we organized the 1st edition of this Data science Meet & Greet Networking Event. This was such a huge success that we organize this second event. By pitches 13 large corporates will showcase their data sience activities and afterwards they will meet the data scientists of the future during a Meet & Greet. 

For who?
Bachelor and Master IT students who wants to start their career in data science. It is not necessarily necessary that students follow a data science Study. Of course, an excessive interest in data science/data analytics is an important criterion. During this afternoon the students will get a glance of the daily data science practice of these 13 members of the CIO Platform Nederland: 

Data science in daily practice
Every organization will give a 10 minute pitch about what they do with data science. Data scientists from the various organisations share practical cases, tell us how a working day and their job looks like, which projects data science is involved and they give an impression of what it is like to work within their organisation. And also: How is Data science organized? For which roles are there and with what kind of projects do you work as a data scientist? During the break and final drink there is plenty of time to talk to each other. 

Registration and practical information
The students can participate for free. Registration in advance gives the students access to the event, this is possible until November 9th. A limited number of seats is available. The language of the event is English. Location: Utrecht University, Science Park, Utrecht.

If you have any questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to bureau@cio-platform.nl.

More info about the program
