In action for digital skills

In action for digital skills

December 7, 2018

On CIO Day more than 130 CIO's signed the letter to Minister Arie Slob. That makes a total of more than 150 signatures, of which 35 of our members!

20181207 Ondertekening brief Digitaal Onderwijs Challenge.jpg

Members who signed the letter are: ABN AMRO, AkzoNobel, Alliander, ANWB, CZ, Damen Schipyards Group, Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen, Fokker Technologies, Fugro, Heineken International, Royal BAM Group, LeasePlan, LUMC, Mammoet, Dutch Railways, NIBC Bank, Nutreco, NXP, Océ, Philips, Pon, PostNL, Rabobank, Radboudumc, Robeco, Royal Vopak, RoyalHaskoningDHV, Schiphol Group, SHV, Sligro Food Group, Stedin, Thales Group, Transavia, VION Food Group and Wehkamp.

A nice score at our request from the Digital Education Challenge, which we co-initiated, to sign the joint letter to the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education and Media on behalf of the business community. Thank you on behalf of all the initiators! 

The letter has been send and there is an appointment with the minister in the making. Our request? Prevent the process of from slowing dowm, get moving for digital skills!

Why are we doing this again?

According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2018 of the World Economic Forum, the Netherlands is now falling from the top-5 most competitive countries. It is in our interest to convert that decline into growth, back into the top-5. This requires an excellent digitally skilled labor market. The developments in the field of IT and technology require the adaptation of the subject matter in primary schools and in secondary education. We have to start now.

Do you want to add extra strength to the letter?

You can! Give the current generation with 2,000,000 children the opportunity to develop digital skills and support the FutureNL Foundation for example with:

  • exposure for our story (share this news item with your communication department)
  • locations where guest teachers can be trained
  • funding for the weekly free lesson the "Digi-doener"
  • used - but still adequate - laptops for schools

You can contact Stichting FutureNL directly via

More information

The Digital Education Challenge is on the initiative of CIO of the Year 2017 Bouke Hoving (KPN) and CharITy (ICT Media), together with the FutureNL Foundation, in which the business community takes action for digital education.
