Digital must be on the Executive Board agenda now

Digital must be on the Executive Board agenda now

December 13, 2018

CIO Magazine presented our new and old chairman with a number of digital developments and asked them to give their opinion.

20181213 voorzitters artikel Fotografie Eric Fecken & Roelof Pot.png

Earlier this year, the term of Marcel Krom as chairman of the CIO Platform Nederland came to an end. The CIO of PostNL has since resigned and has been succeeded as chairman by Arthur Govaert, CIO of Raboudumc. CIO Magazine presented both CIO's with a number of digital developments and asked them to give their opinion.

What appeals to you more: the IT organization as a facilitator or as a (co-)innovator? And, if you opt for innovator, do you see the IT organizations make it happen? What else do they have to do in this respect?

Arthur Govaert: "It has to be a co-innovator ... I would not even know what an IT facilitator does or how it can have an impact. After all, digitization of the business - currently the main focus of most companies and institutions - always requires cooperation between ICT/technology and business to implement innovative solutions."

Marcel Krom: "The IT organization should indeed be a co-innovator. Here you can see the difference in maturity. At the moment you can see that 70 percent of the innovation is technological (or information) -driven. This is a combination between the more technologically savvy and business-driven people."

Read more? You can find the complete article of CIO Magazine here (in Dutch).

Photography Eric Fecken & Roelof Pot
