Future proof assistant

Future proof assistant

June 10, 2019

Twice a year, the management assistants of the affiliated CIOs at the CIO Platform Nederland meet to share knowledge and gain inspiration. The first event of this year was dedicated to 'Future proof assistant': How do you continue to add value as a management assistant in the rapidly changing world?

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The group of more than 30 assistants from leading companies were guests at Wehkamp's distribution center in Zwolle. Hostess Janny Kerkdijk, Executive assistant to CIO Kees Jans, took care of the inspiring program and the hospitable reception of this day. In this blog, we share the highlights of this fascinating afternoon.

Now, Next, Later
Everyone knows Wehkamp from the paper catalogue. Kees Jans, CIO of Wehkamp, shared how they managed to start the digital transformation into the online department store for families in the Netherlands. The organization has now been around for 65 years and sends more than 10 million packages per year. Nowadays, changes are happening so fast that as a company you have to keep moving continuously. Competition is quick and privateers on the coast will take over your business before you know it. Wehkamp achieves continuous innovation by always looking at what they can do NOW. In other words: now, next, later.

Learn, Laugh, Lead
In order to be able to transform, all employees are desperately needed. With the goal: to remain the #1 in the minds and hearts of families in the Netherlands. Learn, Laugh, Lead forms the basis for this. In other words: keep growing, have fun and make a difference by joining forces. The following principles ensure the execution of this mission: embrace the customer, be transparent in everything, think big, start small, data x vision = insight, make choices. On werkenbij.wehkamp.nl you can read all the details about Wehkamp's culture and what it looks like in daily practice. Finally, Kees emphasizes that the CIO and the management assistant reinforce each other in the changing organization.

Outsmarting the robot
As an assistant to Kees Jans, Janny Kerkdijk has experienced the impact of digital transformation on her field up close. The robot is coming and to what extent will the robot take over the work of the 'real' assistant? Janny and her fellow assistants took on the challenge: they went on a voyage of research and discovery to be one step ahead of the robot. In that process, the team learned to create work that really makes them happy and that also adds value to the organization. Read on to find out how they went about it:

Get support from your manager
With external help, the new way of working together has been realized. A coach has been brought in to further investigate everyone's personalities and to teach other ways of communication. Instead of reactive, a proactive mindset was adopted. The assistants are now each responsible for filling in their own happiness at work. Valuable tip from Janny: before you start organizing yourself differently -> ask for support from your manager and make sure your organization is open to the new way of working. Work with your manager on your new role. Talk to each other. Ask what he/she needs and what you can play a role in.

Sara van Broekhoven, founder of FutureTalentFactory, gave an energetic and mindset-changing keynote. With the implication that we do not want to be surprised by the fact that the profession of executive assistant will no longer exist in 5 years' time. Take matters into your own hands and seize the opportunities that exist in your own work environment!

Increase visibility
Many assistants prefer to be invisible. Sara calls on you to make yourself visible. And preferably do that tomorrow. It is a talent to do your work as a 'silent force', but if you go too far: you become invisible. Realize that you are the connecting factor, the central center of the organization. You can become visible, for example, by presenting yourself as a trend watcher. In your position, you are often the first to hear ideas about the direction of the organization during meetings. Then actively think along, dare to ask questions and dare to give your opinion. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Boost your self-confidence.

Robot vs. assistant
Sara advises to seek cooperation with the robot instead of resisting. Let the robot do things you don't like. The arrival of the robot is also an invitation to discover your talent that a robot cannot take over. As a human, you can create unexpected WOW moments that a robot can't imagine, be creative. Dare to indicate when something is no longer relevant. Keep taking a fresh look at processes that have been around for a long time.

"When do you ever marvel within your own company"? Sara asks the participants. These are the moments to make yourself visible and to contribute to a solution. Identify the problem, network to involve other people in solving the problem. Ask yourself who can help solve the problem inside or outside the company. Put these people together at the table to solve the problem together. A robot can't do this. And at the same time, this is the meaning of your working life.

"Nice" + extras = future proof
Sara challenges everyone to ask themselves the question "what did I like this week?" at the end of the working week for 3 months. After 3 months, collect all the sheets of paper and remove the red thread. This is the work you would like to do (continue to) do and what you like to do. Realize that in 45% of the work that people do now, sooner or later automation will strike. Sara: "Anything that is listed as a task on a job profile can be taken over by a robot." Think of scheduling appointments, booking trips, managing fleets, taking minutes. Make sure that you slowly replace that standard work with other types of work, the extras. Try to agree with your manager that you spend 80% of your time on the work you need to do and use 20% of your time to leverage your added value. Go do what you wouldn't otherwise do because it's not in your job profile. Go do what people don't expect, make room for the really fun stuff. Make connections within the organization. These are the ingredients to stay future-proof! Take care of yourself.

Discover your talent and stay future proof!
