CIO Platform Nederland in FD news ‘The stranglehold of the software giants’

CIO Platform Nederland in FD news ‘The stranglehold of the software giants’

October 11, 2019

The Dutch business newspaper ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’ (FD) paid attention to a topic that is urgent to CIOs: the need for large software vendors to adapt and balance their behaviour towards customers. The article has now been translated by FD from Dutch into English.

2019-10-21 FD Wurggreep.jpg

CIO Platform Netherlands would like to start a conversation, both with suppliers and with national and European regulatory authorities. A visible change of attitude and behaviour of suppliers is required. This issue has been raised regularly in group meetings with the IT suppliers in the past, but there is little improvement noticeable. IT systems are becoming increasingly important to companies’ future development. It is time that the market matures and becomes more fair. This entails a more balanced relationship between suppliers and customers of these crucial technologies, and also more trust.

More details in the FD article .
