Launch cybersecurity guide – cooperation pays off!

Launch cybersecurity guide – cooperation pays off!

December 7, 2020

The ‘Guide for cybersecurity initiatives’ where large organisations, SMEs and self-employed can turn to for help to elevate their digital resilience has been launched! After an intensive cooperation between the Digital Trust Centre and members of the CIO Platform Nederland. ‘We encourage that various initiatives in the field of cybersecurity are increasingly easier to find due to this new guide. Hopefully, it will elevate the security of Dutch corporations’, said Henk van Steeg, CIO Thales Nederland and member of the CIO Committee Information Security.

2020-12-03 Wegwijzer nieuwsbericht DTC.png

The necessity for a guide on cybersecurity initiatives became evident during one of the network events for security experts hosted by CIO Platform Nederland. Participants expressed how they are lost in the sheer number of cybersecurity initiatives. The initiatives are all very relevant, but without a clear guide almost irretraceable. Kim van der Veen, relation manager at the Digital Trust Center (DTC) is eager to seize this need as an opportunity to provide an overview to Dutch enterprises of the multitude of cybersecurity initiatives.

‘As NS we know how important it is that passengers can find information that is relevant to them quickly and clearly. Even if they don't travel by train often. So it’s great that with this guide, companies can quickly turn to the right cybersecurity office for their question. That way, they lose little time searching and can spend more time on becoming more secure.’
Hessel Dikkers, CIO Dutch Railways, member of the CIO Committee Information Security

Making cybersecurity initiatives easier accessible
From CIO Platform Nederland’s member base Mike Grootveld, CISO Royal FloraHolland, and Pieter-Jan Aarden, Sr. Security Officer at Stedin, have put themselves forward to, together with DTC, create order in the chaos of cybersecurity initiatives. Predominantly driven by their own search for cybersecurity initiatives in order to find a suitable cooperation with their own organisation. A successful process of 6 months has now resulted in the new tool ‘Cybersecurity wegwijzer’.

What is the ‘Cybersecurity wegwijzer’
The ‘Cybersecurity wegwijzer’ makes the landscape of cybersecurity initiatives in the Netherlands comprehensible. Because there are so many initiatives, it can be difficult for companies and organisations to find the right office that can help them along their way. The ‘Cybersecurity wegwijzer’ therefore brings demand and supply together between companies and suppliers that produce for example cybersecurity information and/or services. On the basis of various features such as size of the company, geographic location, cybersecurity maturity or a specific call for help, an entrepreneur is able to locate a suitable initiative that can contribute to their digital resilience.

Digitally secure SMEs
In an interview, Mike Grootveld – as CISO at Royal FloraHolland responsible for a safe and sustainable digital trade platform for growers and buyers – immediately states the importance of the tool for the SME sector.  At Royal FloraHolland everyone knows how to contact Mike in case there is something going on that concerns digital security. “Our digital trade platform is inherently safe!”, Mike emphasises. Based on the strategy 100% digital, by the end of the year all of are transactions will happen digitally and therefore the cybersecurity in the entire chain is important, including the digital landscape at the growers and buyers. Mike supports Dutch enterprises in having increasingly close digital cooperations concerning cybersecurity. Creating resilience counts for Royal FloraHolland, the members of the cooperation and the entire surrounding chain. The ‘cybersecurity wegwijzer’ will help you navigate the various available offices available to Dutch enterprises to become cyber resilient.

At Stedin as well, digital resilience throughout the chain is of major importance. Pieter-Jan Aarden indicates that Stedin, as network operator and part of the vital sector, is increasingly dependent on non-vital corporations within the chain. That cybersecurity initiatives and solutions for cyber resilience are supposed to be easily traceable, is of particular importance in case of chain-dependency. The tool provides a comprehensive overview and helps companies to search in a targeted manner to find an answer to their specific question.

The ‘Cybersecurity wegwijzer’ makes Dutch enterprises more cybersecure!

Guide yourself with your cybersecurity question

‘At Thales Nederland we are very familiar with the security domain and also with working in chains. Therefore we know how crucial it is that every organisation, small or large, possesses the right knowledge and information to remain secure. Not just for their own data, systems and survival, but also that of chain partners. As such, we encourage that various initiatives in the field of cybersecurity are increasingly easier to find due to this new guide. Hopefully, it will elevate the security of Dutch corporations.’
Henk van Steeg, CIO Thales Nederland and member of the CIO Committee Information Security.
