Kick-off new knowledge group CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management

Kick-off new knowledge group CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management

March 8, 2021

On Monday January 25th, around 25 participants took part in the kick-off CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management. An event dedicated to sharing knowledge in this area and to learn from each other.

2022-11-02 CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management

Since it is a newly established CEG, the meeting starts with two polls among the participants, resulting in a broad field of their challenges. Including: security, integration, globalisation, governance and cloud. More than enough to get started!

Towards a global organization at Wavin
One of the questions that prompted this CEG originated from Wavin. Ronald Leussink (IT Services Manager EMEA, Wavin) and Gerben Bremmer (Manager Networking Services, Wavin) have, because of various developments within the organization, a number of challenges with regards to ITSM and infrastructure. Ronald and Gerben share the related challenges, such as the dilemma whether to organise a central or decentralized service desk, in- or outsourcing, off- or on-site.

After Ronald’s introduction Gerben dives deeper into the organization, and mentions challenges with regard to Cloud-first strategy and the various considerations, amongst others. Gerben also talks about the Networking Operations Centre (NOC), an agile team ready to respond to issues worldwide 24/7. The chosen vendor strategy and the consequences for the internal and external organisation are discussed next. Besides that, he also talks about the differences between countries and skills and the impact of the smart development towards Industry 4.0. Making more use of IoT and sensors provides opportunities but also a lot of challenges. In brief, at Wavin they want to realize these developments while remaining steady and secure.

ITSM challenges
Subsequently, Ronald talks more about the ITSM at Wavin and the programs they use. His challenges here consist predominantly of: differences in maturity, the ability to keep up with technological developments, talking in customer language, and in- vs. outsourcing.

Members can view more details of the presentation here via accessing the comprehensive report and the presentation.

After the presentation and answering some questions, the participants split up into the 2 break-outs: ‘Organisation and IT Support’ and ‘Technical Challenges’. In the break-out groups, experiences were shared on 'how to best organise the quality of the first line of service', Self Service and Workflow automation, and multi-cloud.

In conclusion, the successful kick-off of this CEG Infrastructure & IT Service Management demonstrated the many different and important developments in this field. This also brings numerous challenges. A follow-up session is therefore certainly forthcoming. Therefore, please register for this knowledge group via your profile (for members) or enquire via
