Concerns CIOs features in FD again

Concerns CIOs features in FD again

July 5, 2021

Last weekend, based on the results from a survey of CIO Platform Nederland’s members, newspaper FD published an article.

2021-07-05 FD-artikel zorgen CIOs cyber security.png

Last weekend, based on the results from a survey of CIO Platform Nederland’s members, newspaper FD published an article. The main argument of the article is about the concerns CIOs have with regards to the impact and increase of cyberattacks performed by statehackers and cybercriminals, mostly from Russia and China. The growth in attacks demands more time, effort and money, and demonstrates further that more cooperation and investments are required. The article coincided with the recent ransomware-attacks, which reinforces the concerns in the article.

Find the article here (Dutch)
