CIO-associations demand: Microsoft, improve on sustainability and security!

CIO-associations demand: Microsoft, improve on sustainability and security!

October 8, 2021

On October 8th, 2021, CIO Platform Nederland, Beltug, Cigref and Voice issued a joint press release. In it, we call on Microsoft to address the unnecessary environmental damage caused by its commercial policies and to take more responsibility for safe products, so that business users no longer have to pay the huge costs of its unsafe products. Microsoft is not alone in this, but as the market leader it has a particular responsibility.

2021-10-08 Nieuwsbericht Persbericht oproep duurzaamheid aan Microsoft.png

Last Tuesday (October 5th, 2021), Microsoft officially launched the new version of its flagship operating system, Windows 11. This prompted Beltug, Cigref, CIO Platform Nederland and VOICE to issue a press release today.

Read the full press release.
