CIOTV #75 What about the maturity of digital transformations? With Martijn Koning and Arthur Govaert

CIOTV #75 What about the maturity of digital transformations? With Martijn Koning and Arthur Govaert

July 4, 2022

In this special seventy-fifth episode of CIOTV, current chairman Martijn Koning (Chief Digital & Sustainability Officer AutoBinck Group) and former chairman Arthur Govaert (VP Innovation Program Manager CC Philips) of CIO Platform Nederland are guests of Rob Beijleveld and Hotze Zijlstra. This anniversary episode focuses on the #maturity of #digital transformations in the Netherlands and the role of the business user in it.

2022-07-02 ciotv 75 martijn en arthur

In this special seventy-fifth episode of CIOTV, current chairman Martijn Koning (Chief Digital & Sustainability Officer AutoBinck Group) and former chairman Arthur Govaert (VP Innovation Program Manager CC Philips) of CIO Platform Nederland are guests of Rob Beijleveld and Hotze Zijlstra. This anniversary episode focuses on the #maturity of #digital transformations in the Netherlands and the role of the business user in it.

What is the #CIO the current meta-theme? For Martijn, that is #digitalegeletterdheid and continuing to learn. It is important to include this in the #digitalestrategie, so that it is next to the business. The need to transform your organization, cybersecurity awareness, the limitations in the digital marketplace, and the challenges of inclusion all require growing digital literacy.

Arthur recently said goodbye to CIO Platform Nederland. Under his leadership, the association has experienced a #verandering from an internal to an active external focus. Setting up associated activities and giving a face to the business user are very complicated but successful, e.g. the European cooperation with the other sister associations.

Arthur talks about the characteristic of the Dutch and European digital market. We have valuable smaller tech companies, but we don't have big players. This is a challenge for business (CIOs) and politics. Martijn adds that in the Netherlands we certainly have large companies that are very much ahead of the curve digitally, but they should not be forgotten. Certainly not because they carry a large part of the economy and society.

Arthur says: in this time of unrest and change, make sure that you set up a digital strategy with all your #stakeholders to arm yourself. It is an essential factor to be able to grow. That's why you need to talk about it now. Martijn finally emphasizes: ''What you put in, you get out of it.'' From sharing and learning you help yourself, your organization and the Netherlands further. Therefore, of course, become a member of CIO Platform Nederland!

#cio #cioplatform #CIOPN #digiskills
