Beltug Chairman Claude Rapoport selected for new EC expert group Data Sharing and Cloud Computing

Beltug Chairman Claude Rapoport selected for new EC expert group Data Sharing and Cloud Computing

October 20, 2022

The four cooperating European CIO Associations (Beltug, VOICE, Cigref and CIO Platform Nederland) are proud to announce that Beltug’s Chairman of the Board, Claude Rapoport, has been selected as an expert member for the European Commission’s new B2B Data Sharing and Cloud Computing expert group.

2020-07-01 Vergadering kabinet van Europees vice-president Vestager.png

As one of only 20 experts in the group, he will bring the voice of the business users to the group, to help ensure that all companies can access the data sharing opportunities they need to develop their full potential. This will include the development of contract terms and contractual clauses that organisations can use in their B2B data sharing contracts, and standard contractual clauses for cloud computing contracts.

Claude is bringing to the group his expertise and experiences as CIO and later CEO of Portima. But he will also rely on his many contacts within Beltug and the European sister organisations. “The development of the Data Economy is essential for Europe. The Data Act will raise the bar. I am proud to have been selected as one of the 20 experts in this group, and will devote my time and energy to help in this mission. I am confident that we can make a real difference here, and I count on our members to bring me interesting use cases!”, says Claude. Each expert will serve a 2-year term.
