Seize the opportunities in the new digital landscape!

Seize the opportunities in the new digital landscape!

January 17, 2023

Your role in the digital market is changing; you can soon expect and demand more from your suppliers, but will also have greater responsibility towards your customers. Don't be surprised, let your legal/compliance colleague monitor these developments.

2023-01-17 NB Grijp de kansen in het nieuwe digitale landschap!

To support you in this, we have created a clear overview of the various relevant legislative initiatives. Each new piece of legislation or proposal thereof is introduced in a few lines, clearly indicating what you can expect from it as a business user and the current status of the legislative process. Inform your legal/compliance and public affairs colleagues of these developments to understand and take full advantage of your new position in the digital landscape.

In short, be on time and seize the opportunities of the upcoming digital reality! Moreover, let us know what you are running into and how we can support you in this.
