Digital skills crucial in education or not?

Digital skills crucial in education or not?

June 1, 2023

Prior to the Whitsun weekend, two motions were announced in the Dutch House of Representatives that concerned the place of digital literacy in primary and secondary education

2023-06-01 | NB | Digitale vaardigheden wel of niet cruciaal in het onderwijs

One motion sought to cut funding for such skills. A second motion sought to remove digital skills from the (limited list) of basic skills. Following an appeal by NLdigital, a large number of organisations involved in digital technology and transformation urged MPs to vote against these motions. CIO Platform Nederland also campaigned for this. And with results. In the votes on Tuesday 30 May last, the first motion was voted down. The second motion has not yet been voted on. That could still happen, so the danger is not entirely over. But the first battle is ours, and for a more digitally-savvy population!
