CIO of the Year 2023 – Aart Rupert, Damen

CIO of the Year 2023 – Aart Rupert, Damen

November 27, 2023

During a whirlwind show at CIODAY, the CIO of the Year 2023 was announced.

2023-11-27 | CIO DAY 2023 | Aart Rupert

After live pitches from the four nominees, Arno van den Berg (CTO, Vandebron), Pieter Halenbeek (CIO KVK), Aart Rupert (CIO Damen) en Michiel Valk (CIO Essent) and a video message from their CEOs, Martijn Koning announced, on behalf of the jury, that Aart Rupert will walk away with this year's award. Together with his team, Aart has taken Damen's digitalisation deep into its products, services, strategy and boardroom. Congratulations Aart!
