ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary

ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary

March 28, 2024

27th of March, ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and us on how to be less dependent on non-European countries for cloud services and to become stronger in this technology ourselves.

2024-03-28 ICT-experts, ondernemers en wetenschappers deelden hun inzichten

Europe and the Netherlands are lagging behind in this strategic digital technology. We are dependent on cloud and other data applications from outside Europe. This poses risks to our security and economic position. And it can hinder the use and sharing of data.

By working together on this issue, we can make more targeted investments, develop knowledge and innovations, and improve policy.

We thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to share our experiences from the business users of digital technology on behalf of CIO Platform Nederland. We look forward to the sequel.
