Strategic and sustainable preparation & Promote strategic research - European elections

Strategic and sustainable preparation & Promote strategic research - European elections

May 2, 2024

Leading up to the European elections, we shared the following two viewpoints alongside our sister organizations:

2024-05-02 | Strategische en duurzame voorbereiding & Bevorder strategisch onderzoek

With the growing use of digital technologies in almost all organisations, the sector's need for rare metals is exponential, even though they are already in great demand in other industries  

Let's ensure that European companies are ready for the future and able to face global competition, in particular by ensuring the EU's ecological transition, by strengthening local production of batteries, solar panels, permanent magnets and other clean technologies. 

Targeted research and innovation efforts are essential to strengthen the EU's position in relation to its global competitors. By promoting European competition, innovation and economic growth will be stimulated.This approach also aims to reduce our dependence on certain suppliers and ensure the long-term prosperity of our continent. 

Together, let's step up our efforts to diversify our technological sources and promote an innovative and competitive digital Europe on the world stage! 


This call is part of the Manifesto "A perspective on the digital world of tomorrow", the European IT user associations (CIO Platform Nederland, Beltug, Cigref, and VOICE) are presenting for the upcoming EU Elections. It contains the essential requirements European politicians must take into account to make and keep the EU digitally competitive in a global context. 
