Handy tool to check your own (safety) standards

Handy tool to check your own (safety) standards

September 5, 2024

Internet developments are progressing rapidly. To remain accessible and as safe as possible, it is useful to regularly check whether your own environment is still up-to-date in terms of the usage of standards. Internet.nl offers a simple tool to check this.

2024-09-05 Wat is Internet.nl

What is Internet.nl? 

On Internet.nl, you can easily test if your internet is up-to-date. Do your website, email, and internet connection use modern, reliable Internet standards? And if not, what can you do about it? 

Who is behind Internet.nl? 

The test tool Internet.nl is an initiative of the Platform Internetstandaarden. The goal of the platform is to collectively increase the use of modern internet standards to make the internet more accessible, safer, and more reliable for everyone. The platform is a collaboration of parties from the Internet community and the Dutch government. 

The CIO Platform Netherlands regularly contacts the Forum Standaardisatie office of the Ministry of the Interior. They initiated this tool years ago. The tool is managed by the Platform Internetstandaarden. Recently, the latest standards have been added again. 

We warmly invite you to regularly check your own website and email addresses with this tool at internet.nl.
