CIO associations and Draghi gave the assist, Commission now set to score

CIO associations and Draghi gave the assist, Commission now set to score

September 13, 2024

Earlier this week, Mario Draghi released his report “The future of European competitiveness”. This is seen as an important contribution to the discussion on the future of European competitiveness. A good time to see to what extent this corresponds to the Manifesto that CIO Platform Nederland published earlier this year with sister associations from Belgium (Beltug), France (Cigref) and Germany (Voice e.V.): “A Perspective on tomorrow's digital world”.

2024-09-13 CIO-verenigingen en Draghi gaven de assist Blog Martijn

In recent years we as CIO Platform Nederland have brought the experiences and interests of our members to the attention of politicians and governments, both in the Netherlands and Europe. We did this, for example, by expressing our vision of the future and the role of digital technology in it, in documents and publications that we shared in the run-up to the elections. In our joint manifesto, we emphasized the need for Europe to link an ambitious agenda for innovation and technological leadership to existing efforts to regulate the digital space and data economy.

The manifesto's perspective compared to Draghi's
Draghi's report echoes this, by examining the challenges faced by industry and businesses in the single market and contributes to the development of a new strategy for sustainable prosperity and competitiveness in Europe. The report proposes a focus on sustainable competitiveness, economic security, open strategic autonomy and fair competition as pillars of prosperity.

The vision of CIO Platform Nederland and its sister associations is that Europe should encourage proficiency in using digital technology among all citizens, equip professionals with the necessary digital skills for their workplaces, and equip experts with the skills needed to develop and market new technologies. Draghi's recommendations to invest in top infrastructure and a skilled workforce to maintain and strengthen Europe's competitiveness is closely in line with this.

In the manifesto, the associations of business users of digital technology call for strengthening European competitiveness in a changing geopolitical landscape. For example, by ensuring that we maintain access to strategic raw materials. By ensuring rules that strengthen competitiveness and the internal market by creating a level playing field. And by promoting innovation that makes Europe stronger, for example by providing alternatives to technologies dominated by non-European players. Draghi also focuses on these aspects, which are necessary to increase European unity and competitiveness, promote innovation, reduce dependence on other economic regions for raw materials, etc., and lead to economic growth.

The associations call for more cooperation between Member States in the field of implementing regulations, so that those European organizations have a head start when standards are adopted internationally, as has often been the case in the past, and not an obstacle. We call for more European level thinking and action, rather than national level. And this call also clearly echoes Draghi's strategy for Europe.

Looking ahead
In summary, Draghi's report can be seen as a step towards the goals set out in the manifesto, by providing concrete strategies and recommendations that can help the EU maintain and strengthen its leadership in digital technology while working towards sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

We are very eager to see how the new European Commission will deal with these directions for its policies. And how the European Parliament will respond. We expect to get a first taste of this on November 12, when we and our sister associations will meet with MEP Stéphanie Yon-Courtin and colleagues in Brussels to discuss the manifesto and the European digital future.

Martijn Koning
President CIO Platform Nederland
