Information Security - page 5

Information Security

Our members decide on which themes we are active. We are working on a safe, reliable digital business and society.

With digital technology now penetrating into the core of our businesses, production processes and public institutions, it becomes increasingly important that the technology is secure and trustworthy and complies with legal and ethical standards. More security is necessary, especially since the technology is highly complex, changes quickly and its risks are at the expense of the user. That is why confidence in technological expertise, compliance with agreements, standards and laws, and the focus on your interest of the supplier or implementation partner, is good but not always sufficient.

It is time for a next step towards:

  1. Ensuring compliance of digital technology with laws and regulation (i.a. GDPR) and providing assurance that products/services/processes do what they are suppose to (and nothing more). We will aim for more standardisation and certification, both in the Netherlands via initiatives at he Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety and the Online Trust Coalition, and in Europe via the European Commission.
  2. Sharing information about cyber vulnerabilities and incidents between government and businesses, and among businesses. Some important steps have been taken towards a ‘National covered system’, but there is more to be done. Securely sharing information between NCSC, DTC and other certs, and with cybersecurity partnerships, has to improve soon. Information that can help businesses guard themselves against concrete forms of ill intentions and damage cannot only reside at the government. Additionally, business should have the possibility to share information about incidents and threats that they experience themselves with others, so that they can be better prepared.
  3. Besides secure products and services, and information about current threats and vulnerabilities, it is also vital to practice how to act during an incident, including a situation in which some employees are working from home and others from the office. Therefore, we will once again draw attention to our exercise scenario and update it where necessary.  

The new digital world offers many opportunities. This also increases dependence and vulnerability. By working together and sharing information and knowledge, we are all getting better and safer and we are creating new opportunities for these threats. We are working on this, both within the CIO Platform Nederland, and with the government and other parties outside.

  1. August 18, 2020

    Digital resilience affected by NCSC withholding information

    In response to the article in the Financieele Dagblad of last August 17th with the title "The government knew who was vulnerable, but still allowed companies to be hacked. The government throws away information about hacks from companies", CIO Platform Nederland is calling on the government today to never let this happen again. And to take up its role for the digital resilience of Dutch society.

    2020-08-18 Artikel achterhouden hack informatie
  2. July 10, 2020

    Jointly analysing cyber security information without sharing

    On July 7th, 2020, at a webinar organized for members of CIO Platform Nederland, TNO introdced an ongoing research project in the field of the exchange of cyber security information and Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). In this blog post, we'll make the information from the webinar more widely available, as MPC and cyber security can be an interesting and valuable combination for anyone who is working on cyber security (threat) information.

    2020-06-23 Webinar MPC -TNO.png
  3. January 17, 2020

    Cyber ??security must be high on the board agenda at every organization, supported by the government

    Recent incidents involving ransomware at, among others, the University of Maastricht and Travelex and vulnerabilities in Citrix products that have affected government organizations, companies and hospitals, show once again that attention to safety should not be allowed to deminish and that sharing knowledge about current vulnerabilities and what to do about them, is necessary.

  4. January 6, 2020

    Bug Report: call to action!

    Have you been there? All you really want to do, is to get your own actions and projects done before the end of the year. That's quite enough!


Information Security events

  1. Online CIO lunch session | Cybersecurity Insurance

    Through the online lunch sessions for and by CIOs, we discuss important issues initiated by our members  The sessions will consist of an introduction by one of the members and space for questions/discussion.

    For CxO only

    24 Oct
  2. CEG Information Security | NIS2 throughout the value chain | KVK | Utrecht Utrecht

    CEG Information Security shares knowledge and experiences on topics like: cyber crime, privacy, creating awareness and what to do with dataleaks.

    25 Nov

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