A quick look back at the first six months of 2024

A quick look back at the first six months of 2024

2024-07-12 | Blog edwardFriday 12 July 2024

A nice summer blog of our new board member Edward Cox, also General Manager Louwman Group Services. Have a nice summer!

Dear colleagues and participants of CIO Platform Nederland ,

I have the impression that we are all very busy. In those busy schedules, many of you still found time to attend various events of our Association. For me personally, our Annual Day was a real highlight! It was the best attended Annual Day in our existence, where not only CIO/CTO/CxO's were present, but actually a lot of people from our teams as well. Gaining/sharing knowledge, interacting with each other and doing so in a great atmosphere with top-of-the-line catering. How cool is that!

This was also my first six months as a board member. I get to focus on how our Platform can stay relevant for our members. I really like this question/mission. Of course, we also need input from you for this and that process is underway now. Based on this, we as a Board are going to formulate a proposal for the coming years of our association. By the way, this is also a great opportunity for us as a Board to really align well with each other, especially since we have three new members on our Board since a year, including myself.

Looking outside right now, summer doesn't seem very close yet. But we have the Tour de France, the European Football Championship (unfortunately without the Dutch in the final) and the Olympics. So, there is plenty to watch for relaxation. And plenty to listen to as well, of course. I myself am a cyclist and a cycling enthusiast, so my favorite podcasts are: De Rode Lantaarn (The Red Lantern), Live Slow Ride Fast and Tweewielers (Two-wheelers). Perhaps you guys have other tips?

Have a great summer and we might see each other at the first Platform-event after that, on September 12th. We will then be guests of Corry Wouters at VieCuri Medical Center in Venlo, for a session of our (Fe)male IT Leaders Network. On the agenda is a nice program titled 'Strategy eats culture for breakfast'. I am looking forward to it. 

Happy summer! 

Edward Cox
General Manager of Louwman Group Services, member of the Group Executive Board,
Board member CIO Platform Nederland

edward Cox

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